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A/N: I dunno where I got this idea, I just need some sort of Naegiri right now cause i'm stressed and lonely and miss my bf...writing always makes me feel less alone so hopefully this helps 💔

Category- Angst w/happy ending (hopefully I do okay with this)

Non Despair AU

⚠️TW- Abuse⚠️ (I know this is a touchy subject for some, so i'll try to be careful while writing this)

Kirigiri's POV-
     I run to my room and slam the door, blocking my father out. He bangs on it relentlessly. His screams seem to last for hours. After about 1 am he finally goes silent. I curl up in my bed, exhausted. My head is blank, my heart is empty. I feel like i've disappeared. I just don't exist, there isn't hope anymore. I fall into a dreamless sleep and wake up at around 4 am. It's a Saturday and my dad has a meeting so he'll be gone till 8 pm. I make sure his car has left the driveway before I get up. I eat, get dressed, and pour myself some tea and drink half a cup before poring it down the drain. I'm still empty...I fish for the key in my dads nightstand and open the cabinet where he's "hidden" my phone. Not like there's much to do at 4 am. I nap and scroll through my phone till about noon when I realize how upset I am. I think of all the fun times my dad and I had before mom died. He was so kind. But now, all he does is hit me, drink, and cut me off from the outside world. I have huge yellowing bruises going up my arms. This is why he only buys me hoodies. I've been told so many times if I were to tell anyone what he was doing to me he'd kill me. But he's never seemed to go through with his empty threats, so I try to ignore them. I push away my bad thoughts and scroll through my contacts. I find the one i'm looking for~

     Makoto Naegi and I have been friends since his family moved in across the street from me when we were four

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     Makoto Naegi and I have been friends since his family moved in across the street from me when we were four. Until my mom died two years ago we were inseparable and played together all the time. But, when my dad started abusing me he forbade me from going to his house anymore. I saw him at school but that was it, I missed him a lot. I considered calling him but that would be too sudden. I quickly made my decision and walked over to his house. With all the strength I could muster I knocked on the door. A few seconds later his mom opens it and almost jumps backwards.
     "Kyoko! Is that really you!? It's been so long," she exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. I flinched at first but immediately relaxed. She was like a second mother to me and I had missed her so much.
     "I've missed you honey," she said quietly.
     "I've missed you too.
     "I'll bet you're here to see Makoto, he's upstairs. You can go up and knock on his room door. Sorry if there's any noise, Komaru has a friend over." I nod and walk up the stairs. I hear giggling coming from his sisters room so I peek in to see Komaru and Toko Fukawa on the floor laughing over a video. I timidly wave at them. They look up and run over to me immediately.
     "Kyoko~! I've missed you!!!" Komaru screamed with joy, hugging me tight.
     "It's so nice to see you Kyoko!" Toko exclaimed, giving me a quick hug as well. I hugged both of them back and said that i'd hang out with them soon.
     "Okay, see you! We're gonna prank call Toko's boyfriend~" Komaru snickered.
     "No!!! Not Byakuya!!! He'll kill me!!!" Toko screeched in anger as I closed the door. I smiled to myself as I walked down the hallway and knocked on Naegi's door.
     "Come in!" He called. I opened his door and studied his room. Light green walls, ugly green shag carpet. Little shamrock decals...he hadn't changed a bit. He was on his bed reading, but looked up with surprise when I approached him.
     "Kyoko!? What are you doing here?" He said, gesturing me to sit down. I shut the door and spoke-
     "It's a really long story...would you mind listening?" I said simply. He nodded vigorously, so I continued.
     "The reason I haven't been coming here is because...of my dad. He's been—" I stopped talking and just froze...I couldn't believe I was actually telling someone about this. Tears started to roll down my cheeks, I looked up at Makoto. His face clouded with worry. He gently grabbed my hand and held it for a moment. I didn't protest so he grabbed the other one and before looking me straight in the eyes-
     "Is your dad hurting you Kiri?"
     I couldn't take it anymore...I nodded and started to sob. I buried my head in his chest and cried for what seemed like forever. I couldn't stop. I told him everything, about my rules, my phone being locked up, him coming home drunk and angry, and all the bruises I had gotten. He stroked my hair and rubbed my back until I was calm enough to wait for a response. He held my face in his hands and wiped my tears away.
     "Come on, were going to get your things. You're staying here and i'm going to make sure he never lays a finger on you again." My eyes widen at his statement. Someone cares! Someone really cares!
     We walk to my house, hand in hand and gather my belongings. As soon as we're finished we head back over to his house and tell his mom the situation. She starts to cry and holds onto me tight.
     "Don't worry honey we've got you, we'll keep you safe." Makoto and I go back up to his room and put my stuff in a corner. His room is quite large and is suitable enough for two people. Since they didn't have a guest bedroom he insisted that I stay with him, which makes me feel safer anyways. I put my favorite plush on his bed, a lavender-colored rabbit.   
     "Remember this?" I ask quietly. He smiles softly and nods. He gave it to me for my fifth birthday and I hadn't slept without it since. It really helped when I was having a particularly hard night. I thought back to my dad and how he would react when he found out I was gone. I started to hyperventilate and get dizzy. My thoughts quickly became more and more irrational. He can find me! He can easily kill me! I'll have nowhere to run! Before I knew if I was holding onto Makoto for dear life, breathing heavily into his chest. He helped me take deep breaths and let me finger his hoodie sleeve. The soft texture really helped me calm down and soon enough I was back to normal. He gave me a large sweatshirt of his to put on because my clothes were too wet and tear-stained to wear. It smelled like him, which gave me a comforting feeling. By this time it was evening and his mom made me and the rest of his family a real meal. I hadn't been cooked for in so long. After that Makoto and I headed to bed. Today had been very long. He climbed into bed with me following behind him. He hugged me close to his chest and whispered softly "I'll keep you safe, I promise."


     Living with the Naegi's had become my new normal after my dad got arrested. Child services decided that since I had no living family left it would be the best decision. Only two months after living there I had started to take medication for my anxiety and depression and went to see a therapist. Both of which helped immensely. I still had nightmares and panic attacks but Makoto was always there for me. He asked me to be his girlfriend a couple of months ago and of course I accepted. I would never turn down an offer from the sweetest guy on earth. He helped me so much and I would have never been this happy without him. He makes me feel so incredible, for once I actually feel...full.

1415 words <3 I hope that was okay! I didn't realize how much writing I had in me! The part where she started hyperventilating and rubbing the hoodie sleeve was a representation of a panic attack for me. I'm big on sensory, especially smells. For example: I have a Monokuma plush I stole from my best friend that smells like her (which is comforting cause she gives me hugs when i'm anxious) so I always hug that when i'm having an attack of some sort and I also rub the hat my bf gave me cause he makes me feel happy. A few of my friends have had to deal with abuse so I tried to remember all that they told me about it, I really hope I did the topic justice. If this triggered or offended you in anyway please do not hesitate to message me. I can 100% take it down if needed. Stay safe, okay? I love you ❤️❤️❤️

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