Sleepover~(Comfort ships~!)

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A/N: This was requested by the lovely Mikoochee. I'm super excited about this one even though it was insanely ambitious of me to take on. It includes the following ships in no particular order~

Hiyoko x Mahiru

Gundam x Sonia

Hajime x Chiaki

Peko x Fuyuhiko

(Talked about) Mikan x Ibuki

(Talked about) Akane x Nekomaru

Togami x Fukawa

Naegi x Kirigiri

Asahina x Sakura

Ishimaru x Mondo

Category~ Fluff

Non despair AU


Mahiru's POV-
     I had gotten a text from my girlfriend Hiyoko this morning asking if I wanted to go to a sleepover she was hosting. Obviously I couldn't say no so I accepted and went to pack my overnight bag. I felt my phone ding so I pulled it out and looked through Instagram until I found Hiyoko's newest post.

I smiled, liked it and started thumbing through the comments

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I smiled, liked it and started thumbing through the comments. Mikan and Ibuki couldn't make it because they were going out. Akane and Nekomaru also had plans, but most of our class could come. A few of our friends from the upper class were coming too. It looked like it was going to be a fun party. I finished packing my bag and walked over to her house as 4:00 pm rolled around. She answered the door quickly and pulled me inside.
     "Hey Mahiru! Nice to see you, you look super cute as always!" She exclaimed with a giggle. I smiled and kissed her cheek.
     Over the next half hour people started to arrive. By 4:35 everyone was inside and settled so Hiyoko decided it would be a good time for our first game.
     "♬Hey everyone! I got a bottle~!♬" she sung out. That earned a collective fake groan out of the group as she set it down in the middle of the room. We all sat around it and the fun began.
Third Person POV-
     Hiyoko spun first landing on her girlfriend unsurprisingly. They grinned and shared a brief kiss before continuing. Mahiru landed on Sakura so she kissed her cheek and nodded at her kindly. Sakura spun and landed on Hina. They looked at each other for a moment before sharing a kiss. This one went on for longer so Toko had to break them up. Hina spun, landing on Makoto. She kissed him on the cheek and grinned at him as he took his turn. It landed on Kyoko. His face turned beet red as he buried his face in his hoodie. Kyoko smiled softly and walked over to him, lifted his head up to meet hers and kissed him gently. His eyes widened but he kissed back nonetheless. After it was over they decided to sit together. Kyoko spun next landing on Peko. She calmly kissed her cheek before handing over the bottle. Peko spun and landed on Fuyuhiko. He started to curse under his breath before Peko pulled him into a kiss. That got the whole group laughing. After he had recovered from being a blushing disaster he finally spun. It landed on Hajime so he groaned, kissed his cheek, and sat down promptly in Peko's lap. Hajime spun, landing on Chiaki who was busy playing her 3DS. She looked up, gestured him towards her and kissed him before returning to her game. She eventually spun and landed on Sonia who came over to Chiaki, kissed her cheek instead (she was too absorbed by her Mario Kart race) and returned to her spot. She spun and landed on Gundam. She squealed with excitement and ran over and kissed him passionately. He blushed deeply and leaned into her shoulder in embarrassment. He then spun and landed on Ishimaru, who he kissed quickly on the cheek before linking arms with Sonia at his spot. Ishimaru spun the bottle nervously and landed on Mondo. He jumped backwards a little bit and stared at the biker next to him. He mustered up all his courage and grabbed him but the jacket to kiss him. They kissed for a while before finally running out of breath. Mondo grinned and spun, landing on Togami. Togami sighed, clearly irritated and pointed to his cheek weakly. Mondo smirked, walked up to him and promptly slapped him on the cheek. The whole group went nuts and started laughing uproariously. Toko snarled at Mondo and pouted in her seat. Togami spun, knowing there was only Toko left. After landing on her he got up, brushed himself off and kissed her. She gasped and started to cry. His eyes filled with concern as he walked with her out of the room, silently returning after a few minutes holding hands.
Mahiru's POV-
That was fun! It was now 5:45 and everyone started to complain about being hungry. Hiyoko sighed, running over to dish out pizza and salad. I ended up only having a small salad but it was nice eating with friends. After dinner we were all bored so Sonia suggested another activity.
"We should all do each others hair~! Wouldn't that be fun!?" She exclaimed with optimism. The boys groaned while the girls murmured excitedly. I grinned, now it was a party.
I started on Hiyoko's hair, pulling out her pigtails to make a single ponytail. I decorated it with pink and white clips and I was done. She grinned and gave me a hug before doing mine into tiny pigtails, decorating them with green butterfly clips. I kissed her nose playfully before looking to see what the others did. Naegi had done an elegant updo with Kirigiri's hair. Complete with her signature ribbon. She had put a small butterfly clip onto of his ahoge for fun. He seemed to enjoy that. Sakura and Asahina had both done braids in each others hair, simple yet adorable. Ishimaru has helped Mondo wash the gel and hairspray out of his hair to put it into a ponytail. Mondo just slicked Ishi's back for fun. Fuyuhikos hair was too short to mess with so Peko littered colored clips all over his head while he put her hair into a neat bun. Chiaki had stopped playing her game and was busy putting a scrunchie around Hajime's ahoge, much to his dismay. He claimed he wasn't any good at doing hair so he just placed faux flowers in Chiaki's and kissed her forehead. I grinned at their cute relationship. Gundam had put Sonia's hair up into a high pony tail, decorating it with purple butterflies and other various clips. She smiled enthusiastically when she saw it and gave him a huge hug before placing a flower crown on his head instead of doing his hair. Fukawa was scared to mess with Togami's hair but finally swept it back before securing it with a few black and white clips. He carefully removed her braids and placed faux flowers in her hair and braiding little pieces of it down the sides. She looked beautiful. After everyone was finished it was 7:00. Still plenty of time, and I had an idea. I whispered it to Hiyoko and she giggled, slipping out of the room. As she came back in I made the announcement.
     "It's karaoke time!"
     We gathered around my girlfriends old karaoke machine and set up the tv to play whatever song we needed. Sonia volunteered to go first (of course) and sung "April by Beach bunny."

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