A little help~(Naegiri)

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A/N: Omg Naegiri again? Do they ever write anything else...yes yes here we go again...Evie writing Naegiri fluff at ungodly hours of night. Before I pass out from exhaustion I'd like to publish this...oh yeah! I'm also working on a Akanidai request so expect that soon!

Category: Fluff because HHHH—

Despair AU

Takes takes place after Celeste's execution :DDD

Enjoy always! <3

Kyoko's POV-
Tonight was the night. I was going to tell Makoto how I felt.

You see, I'd slowly started to fall in love with him throughout our journey at Hopes Peak. Expressing feelings and emotions had always been hard for me because of my trust issues so this was going to be interesting...If I'm being completely honest I've never had a crush, much less loved a person like this before. It was so real and so new. It stressed me out so much. What if he laughed at me? What if he ran away? What if you started to ignore me!? I put my head in my hands in distress.

I needed help...and I knew just where to find it.

"Why the hell d-do you want m-my help?!" Toko cursed. I sighed,

"Because you're a romance author and possibly know a little bit more about love than I do." She nodded slowly.

"Fine then, you're lucky I'm in a good mood." She grumbled. I smiled a little bit as she scowled and motioned me to follow her to the library.

     "Okay so first of all you have to have confidence...you can't let him know you're as scared as you are. That's the key. You also need to dress better, you can look way more decent then you look now..." Toko listed off. I rolled my eyes,

     "Gee thanks...I love the encouragement...I meant what do I say to him, not what I look like..." She groaned and grabbed my shoulders.

     "Listen Kyoko, you're my friend so I'm going to be straight with you...I know you have what it takes to confess to that dork. I know he likes you back, I can see it in his eyes...he's head over heels I promise. You're going to do great just believe in yourself." I started to tear up.

     "That means a lot Toko...thank you. I'm glad I came to you for help."

     She scoffed sarcastically, "Uh huh sure...now go get your lucky boy!"

     I stood in front of Makoto's door in fear...with a deep breath I knocked on the wood sharply. He immediately opened it and lit up when he realized it was me.

     "Kyoko! It's so nice to see you! Come on in!" He exclaimed with his usual sweet smile. I couldn't help but laugh a little as he escorted me inside.

He sat on the bed and patted the spot beside him. I sat down as well and looked at him with a grin.

"So what's up? Anything you needed to tell me?" I nodded.

"I'm going to try to go slow here so everything makes sense but: Makoto, from the first time we locked eyes I knew there was something special there. I felt it, a spark. I had never felt such an amazing warmth. You melted my heart, and continue to do so every day. I think about you constantly and just want to spend time wit you more than anything...I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you. I always have."

He started to tear up and blush furiously, burying his face in his hoodie. I slowly reached out to grab his hand but he grabbed mine first and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Kyoko, I- I couldn't have said that better myself. I love you with all my heart...I was just too much of a coward to say anything..."

    I smiled and laughed in pure joy, he grabbed my face and leaned in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed the gap. I was finally kissing the love of my life. He truly was everything to me...

    From then on we did everything together, holding hands everywhere we went...and if you looked close enough, sometimes you could see Toko watching us with an approving smile.

717 words! Hope you liked it!

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