Rose city wonders~(Naegiri)

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(I wrote this for Naegiri week so if you've read my Naegiri week book you've already seen this)

A/N: Ah using my friends art cause it's fucking beautiful.
AHEM- it's fanfiction time gamers and I've got a cute one today! Enjoy!

Category: Take a wildddd guess (cough fluff cough)

Despair AU

Takes place after the second killing game (future arc)

     I sat in silence next to Makoto wondering where he was taking me. After we reunited he asked me out (I of course accepted) so today we were going on our first date...the only thing is he didn't mention exactly where we were going.
I admit I'm quite nervous...Makoto and I have been close for years and I want this to work out so desperately. Ruining our friendship would be the most horrible thing in the world. I do have feelings for many it's hard to express. I just pray he does as well.

I stepped out of the passengers seat of his car and stared up at the building in front of me

"Powell's bookstore?" I questioned.

"Yup! It's one of my favorite places in the city and I thought I'd bring you here to enjoy the beauty of it as well!"

I smiled but wondered how much "beauty" could really be in a bookshop...but as soon as I stepped inside I knew why he loved this place so dearly: there were millions of colorful books atop towering shelf's lining the walls. There was merchandise from tv shows, board games, mugs, scarfs, and even a coffee shop inside the store as well! Makoto Naegi...always full of surprises.

"Did you know this was named one of the biggest bookstores in the world? I can't believe I grew up going here!" Makoto marveled while sipping his coffee. We had decided to grab a drink before browsing and frankly that was a smart idea...I'm always dehydrated.

     "Thank you for bringing me here, it's a lovely place."

     "You're lovely..." He mumbled in response. My cheeks burned at his statement.

     "T-thank you-"

     We walked around the shop making sure to check out all the sections, I spent a good 20 minutes digging through the mystery and crime sections and strutted to the register with my arms full of books. Makoto had spent most of his time in the manga section but I did catch him peeking in the children's corner. He's such an adorable dork...

     "Find what you were looking for?" He asked while we waited in line to pay.

     "Mhm, did you,"


     As the cashier was ringing up my books I started digging in my pockets for my wallet, but before I could grab it Makoto slammed his credit card on the counter.

     "I take you out, I pay..." he said with a small smirk. I put my hands up with a laugh and grabbed my bag of books.

     "Where to next?"

     "You'll see soon~"

     We continued through the city hand in hand until we reached a giant hill with steps leading all the way to the top.

     "What's up there?" I asked, I couldn't see much from so far away.

     "You're so impatient! You've gotta find out!" He laughed, running full speed at the staircase. I just shook my head and trailed behind my energetic date.

     After a good amount of climbing we finally reached a temple looking entrance and another big sign. This one read: Japanese gardens.

"Makoto we're Japanese, wouldn't it just be 'gardens?'"

He laughed.

"Don't question it silly! Let's go in!"

He grabbed my hand again as he payed for our admission and walked into the gardens. It truly was a stunning place. It was close to the holiday season so it was a bit chilly, Makoto must have noticed my shivering because he quickly put his hoodie over my shoulders and held me close. I may have teared up a little. I was quite touch starved.

We continued along the path with his arms around my waist, it was a very uncomfortable walking position so we were going at a snails pace. All he wanted was to hug me, it was the sweetest thing in the world. God I wanted to kiss him so bad...I looked down at the smiling boy and kissed the top of his head. His entire face turned red as he leaned into shoulder. I linked my arm in his so we would be closer as we keep walking.

     The gardens were gorgeous, there were temples, flowers, waterfalls, and even an old style tea house you could look into. It was very peaceful. After a while I noticed Makoto's eyes closing slightly. He looked sleepy.

     "Are you alright, you look tired?" I asked him.

     "Yeah I'm okay Kiri, just didn't get much sleep last night. I was up till 3 planning this date heh."

     "3 am?! You put in this much effort for me?"

     "Of course I did! You are so important to me, I had to make sure it was perfect."

     "Well it was perfect, you did a lovely job Makoto, it's a shame it's over."

     "Not necessarily~"

     He bolted out of the gardens as fast as humanly possible with me jogging behind. We soon reached an archway across the street.

     He grabbed my hand again and led me under the arch. As soon as we reached the other side I was greeted with the overwhelming aroma of hundreds of beautiful roses, It was a rose garden!

     "This- this is incredible!" I sighed. He nodded before holding up one finger to signal he'd be back in a minute. I waited on a bench and saw him walking towards me moments later, red rose in hand. He took my hand and looked at me with a warm smile.

     "Kyoko Kirigiri, I love you so much...I want to be able to make you happy like this for a long time...will you be my girlfriend?"

     "Of course Makoto!" I laughed, grabbing the rose out of his hand and pulling him in for a kiss. He was the biggest dork in the world...but now he was my dork.

     "Oh yeah I almost forgot, I love you too darling~"

1066 words! Also a little fun fact these are all real places from my hometown! Feel free to Google them cause they are lovely!

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