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A/N: I am so so so sorry 1020willy~! This was very long overdue! I hope you enjoy your request!

(Also, big thank you to HelloMyDudes69 for making such great playlists, the Toko one is my absolute fav 🥺💗 I listened to it while writing this~^^)

<3[I will not be taking anymore requests at the moment because of lack of motivation and stress...hope you understand~! Hopefully i'll get a few more oneshots done though. I'm going to try to do a couple ships I usually don't write about]<3

Category~ Fluff/Comfort (^u^)

Despair AU (ω)

Enjoy~^^ *٩(ˊωˋ*)و*

Makoto's POV-
     It was the evening after Celeste's execution when I decided to get a snack from the dining hall. I walked in to see Toko reading at one of the tables.
     "Evening Toko." She looked up at me but quickly scowled and mumbled a quick "hello." I smiled, worth a shot. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some chips but as I was leaving Toko blocked my path.
     "Makoto, do you know where Togami is?" She asked. I shook my head and tried to walk off...but she wouldn't let me.
     "Liar! You two are always investigating together! Tell me where he is!!!" She screamed. I backed up in fear of her turning into Syo. Sadly, her eyes flickered with rage as she switched over.
     "Huh? What am I doin' here?" Syo questioned.
     "Toko got mad at me for not knowing where Byakuya was...she was about to slap me..." I answered, but quickly shut my mouth. Dangit Makoto!
     "She did, did she? Welllll~ I may as well finish the job~!" KYEHAHAAAA!" She screeched as she slashed straight through my hoodie with her scissors. After scratching me up pretty bad, she grinned menacingly and ran off. I tried to get up, but I was too weak to stand. She had slashed through both my arms, legs, stomach, and face. I was lucky she didn't kill me. I leaned against the wall feeling helpless as I slipped into unconsciousness.

Kyoko's POV-
     I heard a loud scream coming from the dining hall so naturally, I went running to the scene. It sounded like Genocider Syo so I just assumed she was just stalking Byakuya again...but what I found was much, much worse. I walked into the dining hall to see an unconscious Makoto leaning against the wall. He had been slashed with scissors all over his body. I couldn't help but gasp when I saw him. I rushed over to his body and quickly checked his pulse. Good, he was still alive. I knew I needed to help him somehow. It was already 9:50 and the dining hall was closed at night. I heaved a sigh and tried to pick the small boy up. He was surprisingly light so I didn't have too much trouble. I debated putting him in his room but quickly decided he needed care first. I started to carry him to my room but ran into Hina who was walking to her own place. She smiled at me but then noticed the lucky boy in my arms.
     "Kyoko~! What's wrong with Makoto?! Is he okay?" She exclaimed. I nodded.
     "He's fine, I believe he had a run in with Syo. I'll take care of him."
     "Aw, you're the sweetest Kyoko. Good luck! Hope everything goes okay!" She said while running off to her room. I smiled softly, unlocked my door and set Makoto on my bed. I realized that I had to undress him to be able to assess the damage. I blushed deeply. I usually wasn't squeamish about examining bodies, but Makoto was different. And not just because he wasn't a dead body. I slowly started to unzip his hoodie when I saw his eyes start to flicker open. I jumped back in alarm as he sat up, holding his head.
     "Ow...wha—what happened...?" He mumbled. "Kiri, what am I doing in your room?"
     "You passed out so I carried you here..." I replied softly. His cheeks slowly reddened.
     "T-thank you."
     "I couldn't very well have left you there after all."
     " you happen to know how to take care of a deep cut?" He said shyly.
     "I believe so, let's see what we can do." He went to change into a white tank top so I could take a closer look at his wounds.
     "This might hurt a little bit, try not to flinch okay?" I said calmly, holding a bottle of antiseptic and a cotton ball. He nodded. I start to dab the ointment onto his wounds but not before I hear small shrieks coming from him. I grab his hand with my free one and continue. He blushes and stays quiet the rest of the time. I then grab some bandages I had stuffed in a drawer and start to dress his wounds. He flinches a little bit but I don't dare let go of his hand. After I was done I asked him if there was anything else I could do for him. He nodded shyly.
     "You could kiss them better..." he mumbled softly, blushing a bright pink. My eyes widened but I just smiled and went to work. I could see the shock in his eyes as I kissed his arms, legs and face where his bandages were. Finally I came close to his lips.
     "All better?" I whispered.
     "100%," He replied, quickly closing the gap. He tasted of cinnamon and mint. I could kiss him forever. As we pulled away I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.
     "Thank you for your service doctor Kyoko~" He said playfully.
     "Why of course," I replied with a laugh, kissing his cheek.

I love that boy~

960 words <3 yay! Sorry I made Toko kind of mean in this one, I was listening to a playlist centered on her and it inspired me to do so xD. Hope you enjoyed! Love you! <3

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