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Hi everyone, it's time for more oneshots! This was requested by @liupidgefan14, thank you so much!

Non despair AU

Category: Floof


Maki's POV-
     I waited outside in the cold for Kaito. He said he had "some big surprise for me" and told me to stand outside on this particular hill until he got here. I shivered. It was 10 pm and I was already freezing and exhausted. He better get here soon.

     By 10:30 I saw a large figure in the distance racing towards me at full speed. Kaito threw his arms around me in a tight hug as I fake scowled.

     "Im so sorry Maki roll! I brought you my jacket since it's cold out." He said while placing his coat around my shoulders. I smiled warmly and sat down beside him.

     "So what are we looking at here?" I asked, staring up at the sky.

     "You'll see soon enough!" He replied happily.

     We looked up for a while until I saw a burst of color in the sky. Another burst! And another! A flag of light! It was a meteor shower!

     I looked over at the astronaut beside me. He was smiling like a little kid. His eyes lit up with all the colors of the night sky. I blushed...he was so sweet.

     I leaned my head on his shoulder contently. He jumped slightly but calmed down almost immediately. We watched the shower for a while before the last meteor disappeared into the horizon.

     "Kaito that was beautiful..." I said softly. He grinned.

     "I'm so glad you liked it Maki."

     "There is one thing I didn't like actually..."

     His face clouded with worry.

     "What is it? I'll do anything to make your night as memorable as possible!"

     "Alright then, I'd like to kiss you." I said with a smirk. He turned bright red at my bold statement but nodded slowly.

     "Anything for you."

     He leaned down and kissed me softly. As we pulled away I saw the light of thousands of stars in his eyes. I hugged him tight.

"Thank you for tonight..." I mumbled into his chest.

"You deserve all the beauty in the world Maki roll~"

365 words

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