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A/N: Hiya! I'm not back from my break in any sense I just wanted to write this in memory of my Togafuka alliance book that got taken down by a hater. Remember to be kind to others with different opinions than you kiddos! Enjoy as always!!

Category: Fluff

Non despair AU

Togami's POV-

     Okay...maybe I had a slight problem.

     You see, I have become a..."fanboy" recently.

     The other day I was shopping at my favorite bookstore and found a wide assortment of romance novels I had never read before. The author was called Toko Fukawa. She was a very pretty young girl on the back sleeve and looked to be around my age.

     Now, I've never been the one for romance but there was just something about her books that drew me in. Within three days I had finished two of the thick books and kept buying more to indulge my satisfaction.

     My favorite was a popular one called "So Lingers the Ocean." It was about an attractive fisherman who found love. Again, these things were not my style. But her writing was so thoughtful and intriguing I couldn't help but read more and more.

     The author must have quite the romantic love story of her own, I don't think anyone less of a goddess could've written these works.

     As much as I hate to admit it I fancied Ms. Fukawa quite a lot. (As people on the internet have labeled it "A celebrity crush.")

     Had I ever met her? No.

     Was she probably with the person of her dreams? Yes.

     I would never have a chance with her in a million years, it's funny that I even think about such a ridiculous thing.

Moving on from that, I was extremely excited for tonight as it was the new release of Ms. Fukawa's next book: "Euphoric souls." I've scoured website after website looking for reviews and bootlegs of the story so I could read it early but alas, I had to wait to go to the bookshop at midnight to purchase it for myself.

I drove under the stars to my favorite store and briskly walked inside to find a copy.

I looked around the entire romance section without a trace of it. But then, out of the corner of my eye there it was...atop a nearby shelf.

I practically threw myself at it, not even realizing I was diving headfirst into a women standing nearby.

I fell on top of her with a crash, books falling to the ground around us.

"Urghhh..." She groaned in pain.

"I'm so sorry Miss! I-" I stopped dead in my sentence...this was no ordinary girl. It was Ms. Fukawa!

I helped her up as she brushed her purple hair away from her eyes. God, she was even more stunning in person.

I held out a hand to her.

"Hello, my name is Byakuya Togami. I'm a big fan of your novels..." I said sheepishly. Her sour expression immediately morphed into a grin.

"Oh hello there! I'm Toko Fukawa! But it seems you already know that much about me." She laughed. "Quite lucky to fall on top of your favorite author huh?"

"I suppose so, I'm actually here to buy your latest book. It was what I was trying to reach when I tripped." I gestured to the novel before her. She grinned and handed it to me.

"Enjoy pretty boy." She winked before starting to walk off.

"Uh wait!" I called after her before even realizing it. She turned around in surprise.

"Could we maybe...get coffee sometime?" I mumbled shyly.

She smiled and nodded happily.

"Absolutely, I was actually planning on it to be honest...that's why I put my number in your book." She blushed.

My eyes widened as I flipped through the pages until I found her number scrawled in the middle with an array of hearts.

"No partner at home I take it?" I asked in response to the hearts.

She shook her head.

"Just me myself and I."

"You would've thought you'd have an epic love story of your own, considering how incredible your books are."

"Aw you flatter me Togami. As much as I don't have someone now that is subject to change don't you think?"

"I agree with you wholeheartedly."

720 words

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