Laser tag~(Naegiri)

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I used this prompt since I thought it would be fun to write about^^

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I used this prompt since I thought it would be fun to write about^^

Non despair AU ✧*。٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧*。

Category: Fluffy^^

Enjoy! ^ω^

Naegi's POV-
I raced over to Kirigiri's house as fast as my small legs could carry me. I had a surprise for her! Since her birthday was in a few days I decided to take our entire class to an arcade to play laser tag! I knew for a fact that Kiri was always busy and she didn't have much time to just "hang out" with friends but it's her birthday! She's got to say yes. I knocked on her door with my foot 6 times, a secret signal we had to let each other know it was safe since we both have a little safety related anxiety. She let out a shrill whistle so I knew it was okay to come in. I let myself into the main room and saw her sitting on a large chair, reading. She looked up from her book, smiled, and ran to give me a hug. My cheeks burned pink as we pulled away. She's been randomly giving me hugs lately so I've just gotten used to letting my guard down around her. I noticed she also had her gloves off which gave me a small burst of pride knowing she trusted me so much.
     "Makoto, what are you doing here?" She asked, gesturing me to sit down.
     "I'm here to invite you to a few games of laser tag with the rest of the class! It's your birthday present so don't bother asking to pay." I replied quickly. She grinned and nodded slowly.
     "I suppose I have an hour or two, laser tag would be nice."
     "Let's go then!" I shouted, grabbing her hand and running out of the house. We got on a bus that would take us to the arcade and after a while I noticed that she was still holding onto my hand. I blushed and squeezed it a little bit. She gave me a small smile and squeezed back. After we got off the bus she let go of my hand to put her gloves on as we strolled into the arcade. Everyone was waiting in a party room where shouts of "happy birthday" could be heard as we walked in. Kiri smiled and thanked everyone for coming before leading our group to a couple of screens where we could choose our names. As we finished typing them in they flashed on the screens above us-

Party of 14:

Naegi- Luckster
Kirigiri- N/A
Mondo- yourself
Ishimaru- Taka
Celestia- Goth queen
Sayaka- Mind reader
Asahina- Doughnuts
Togami- Doughgami
Sakura- Flower power
Fukawa- Togami
Leon- 1107
Chihiro- Alter ego
Yamada- UwU
Hagakure- Bruh

     "Mondo Owada! That name is not amusing!" Ishimaru yelled at his boyfriend.
     "It's hilarious! When I shoot someone it will flash on their screen that 'you were shot by yourself!'" He replied with a chuckle.
     "Babe, can we not argue in public."
     "Sure, lets take it to my bedroom then."
     "Absolutely not!"
     "Come on, you gave in yesterday~"
     "That was yesterday and today is today!"
     I laughed as the two lovers continued bickering. They had both come out as gay a few months ago and were the first pair in our class to start dating. After them it was Asahina and Sakura and then Togami and Fukawa surprisingly. Everyone was holding out for Kiri and I but nothing ever happened so they sort of gave up. Little did they know, we were slowly becoming closer in private. Knowing Kirigiri, if we ever started dating she would want it to be secretive anyways. Suddenly, the doors opened and we were escorted into a room with two different colored gun stations. One green and one purple. A screen on the wall split us into random teams-

Green team:

Purple team:

     I was upset that Kiri and I were on different teams but grabbed my gun and followed the others into a small room where a quick instruction video was played before we all stumbled into the huge black light lit room. It was space station themed so there were giant "metal" rods and plates surrounding us. The ceiling was even painted to resemble a glow in the dark galaxy. Our two teams ran off to our bases, as the clock started we all raced to hide behind something before the game began.
     I ran around the huge area, desperately trying to find the purple team's base but for once, I had no luck. Just then I noticed a purple sensor moving towards me. This was my chance! I fired my lasers until the figure came into view. It was Kirigiri. I started to speak but got cut off very quickly.
     "Makoto...anything that happens in this game stays in this room." She whispered to me as she walked closer. I could feel my face heating up. What was she doing?
     Just as I was about to fire at her. She grabbed my gun and threw it onto the ground, getting even closer to me in the process. Our faces were only inches away as she grabbed my shirt and kissed me, hard. My eyes widened, but I didn't protest. I kissed her back with all of the strength that I had, running my hands through her lavender hair. Only a moment after we pulled away she grabbed my face and kissed me again. This one went on for much longer. I hadn't really had a first kiss before and i've definitely never made out with someone, but this was so incredible. After a minute or so she pulled away, shot me, and ran off. I picked up my gun and looked at my sensor.

                                     "'I've always wanted to do that', shot you"
     I blushed a bright red as we finished up the game, but I could barely focus. All I wanted to do was kiss Kiri again. After we emerged from the room and said our goodbyes to our classmates, Kiri and I walked out of the arcade, got on the bus, and walked into Kirigiri's house in silence. We both sat on the couch, occasionally sneaking glances at each other. After a few minutes I scooted closer and rested my head on her shoulder. She smiled softly and gently stroked my hair.
"Can we do that again?"
"The arcades closed tomorrow Makoto."
"I meant-"
"I know what you meant silly, and yes, yes we can."

A/N: 1,100 words exactly, wow! I guess I just got a burst of inspiration today. I hope you all enjoyed! :3

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