For me~(Akanidai)

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A/N: My first time writing Akanidai! Thank you to _oceania_ for the request!

TW: Contains content related to eating disorders and vomit

Category: Angst w/happy ending

Despair AU

Takes place after Teruteru's execution

Enjoy/Enjoy but also cry!

Nekomaru's POV-

     Everyone was extremely upset. I mean I don't blame them...two of our friends just died. It was heartbreaking. I barely even felt like training! That was new to me...I decided that it'd be a smart idea to check up on the others to see if everyone is doing okay during these tough times.


     I knocked on Hajime's door first.

     "Oh hello Nekomaru! What do you need." He asked.

     "I just wanted to check up on you! Times are hard and I want to let you know I'm here if you need me!" I shouted with confidence. Hajime smiled.

     "Thanks Nekomaru...but I'm not the one who needs help right now. It's Akane. I heard from Mahiru that she's not doing so well. Since you two are close why don't you check up on her?"

     "Of course I will! She's a kind friend and I need to make sure she's okay! Good bye Hajime!" I exclaimed as I briskly walked towards Akane's cottage.

     I knocked on the door.

     She answered after a couple seconds, I barely recognized her. She was pale and sickly and the glow in her eyes had been diminished. She looked absolutely terrible...

     "H-hi..." she squeaked out. I rushed inside and closed the door, leading her to the bed to sit beside me.

     "What happened?! I'm worried about you Akane...why do you look so pale?" I asked, placing a comforting hand in her shoulder.

     "I- I haven't eaten...not for 3 days. Anything that goes down just comes back up again. Water too. Ever since mention of the killing game I've been unable to stomach a thing. I feel like dying, I need to eat but I just...I just can't!" She cried. I wrapped her in a hug. Poor girl really needed help.

     "I promise I'm going to stay right here to take care of you until you can eat solid food again." I exclaimed. She looked doubtful for a moment but nodded weakly. I pulled out a bottle of water from a bag I had with me.

     "Can you drink a sip of this...? I promise it'll help this be easier."

     She stared at the bottle for a moment before taking a small drink. She held it in her mouth for a moment before spitting it out all over her bedsheets. She blushed in embarrassment and covered her face with her hands.

     "I'm so sorry! You can't help me I'm too much of a mess!" She sobbed.

     "Mess or not we're getting through this...together."


     Over the next few days I got Akane to drink a little water which was a huge deal! We started slow with foods like bananas and rice but eventually I got her to eat a few bites of chicken without throwing up!

     Throughout her journey we bonded immensely. I was so proud of her. With my help she was able to eat again.

A few weeks later~

     "Are you scared...I mean, Mikan just died. We've lost so many people." Akane questioned.

     I held her hand in mine and looked into her eyes.

     "No matter what we'll be okay, like before remember! You stayed alive even despite your challenges."

     "I stayed alive for you..." she whispered.

     "But now...I'm living for both of us."

590 words

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