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A/N: I've been in a Kuzupeko mood for the last couple days so here's a one-shot!

Category~ Comfort/Angst w/happy ending

A little bit of Ooc Fuyuhiko (He cries a lot :<)

Takes place after they return to the island for the "second time."

3rd person~
     It had been months since class 77-B returned to Jabberwock island and ever since the day Peko had awoken from her coma she and Fuyuhiko were always together. She still had a habit of calling him "Young master" but she often caught her mistake and even nicknamed him "Hiko."  They still lived in their cottages, but without the monitors, Monokuma's and motives, they were at peace. Well...most of the time.

Fuyuhiko's POV~
Everything went dark as I was thrown onto the battlefield. It seemed like a million robots had surrounded me as I desperately tried to find my way through the crowd. Then I saw her. Right in the center, battling the bots was Peko. I tried to run to her but was stopped. I shoved the bot aside and raced to her side. She then lunged foreword and slashed my eye. She then stared at me in horror, I realized that she must have missed her target. Feeling weak, I fell to the ground. I felt Peko's gentle hands grab my shoulders and pull me into her arms. She had tears in her eyes. Barely hanging onto life I said my final words to her-

                               "Peko...the truth is- I-i've always wanted to be the one to protect y-you."

     She smiled softly at me as her body became limp...she was gone.


     I woke up in a cold sweat, tears running down my cheeks. I ran as fast as I could into the night and pounded on Peko's door feeling helpless. I waited for a moment before she opened it cautiously. I threw myself into her arms and began to cry again. She looked surprised, but quickly carried me to her bed, shut the door, and turned on a lamp. As soon as she sat on the bed I clung to her again, refusing to let go. She held onto me tight and asked softly~
     "Hiko, what happened?" I looked her straight in the eyes and started to cry once again. She stroked my head gently and hummed quietly. After a few minutes I felt calm enough to tell her.
     "It was your execution, it happened again. You were in trouble and I couldn't save you...I tried and failed! I'm the reason you died! It should have been me! I screamed at her before bursting into tears. She started to cry as well before grabbing me by the shoulders and yelling back-
     "I never wanted anything more than to protect you! You're my entire world and I would crumble to ground if you left me! I love you~!" She put her hand over her mouth and blushed. I gazed at her in awe, so she did love me...
I threw my arms around her and hugged her tight, after pulling away I brushed a piece of her hair away from her face. She blushed and leaned in, I did as well. In perfect sync our lips came together. It felt so right, i've been waiting to kiss her since we were kids. We kissed until we were all out of breath and touched our foreheads together after we pulled away.
"Peko, I love you too, I always have. I never want to leave your side. You make me so happy and I love spending time with you more than anything else. You are my everything." She covered her mouth with her hands as tears ran down her pale cheeks. She embraced me again, this time falling onto the bed together. She nodded at me so we got under the covers and held each other close. She leaned in and kissed my forehead. In return I kissed her cheek.
"No more nightmares?" She asked.
"No more nightmares." I answered, drifting into a finally peaceful sleep.

681 words <3

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