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A/N: This was inspired by an idea from HyperFlare8263 but I kinda made it my own...enjoy~!

Category~ Fluffy

Non-Despair AU (Takes place in the anime after Chiaki invites Hajime to go to the arcade with her, the first set of dialogue I took directly from the scene sooooo...credit to Spike Chunsoft~!^^)

Hajime's POV-
I walked out of the reserve course building in distress. Why did I even bother to hang out with Nanami...I was talentless. I would only slow her down. Just then Nanami herself appeared in front of me. She had a huge smile on her face and her rose-colored eyes gleamed with excitement.
     "Hey Hinata, a brand new fighting game just hit the arcades. You wanna come with me and check it out?" She exclaimed cheerfully.
     "I would...but I really suck at games like that—" I replied sheepishly.
     "That's okay," she said, grabbing my hand. "It doesn't matter if you're good when you play with friends!" I blushed as she dragged me along for a while before we reached the arcade. She looked back at me and smiled shyly before she ran in. I rushed after her, trying to keep up until we reached the new game. It was called Injustice...it seemed to be about superhero's. It was always a two player game so I stood at one set of controls while Nanami stood at the other. We got our three hero's and started to battle each other. In the end Nanami ended up defeating me of course. But, it was okay...I had fun!
     "Another round?" She asked. I nodded so we played a couple more times. She won every game but I almost beat her in the last one. I had two hero's left and she had one but she ended up using her special attack and wiping them both out, defeating me in the end. I fake groaned in defeat but she just laughed and led me to another game. A claw machine. Her eyes sparkled as she put in a token to play. Her eyes centered on a pink rabbit with white paws. I chuckled at how focused she was trying to win the plush. In the end she missed it by a little bit. She sighed in defeat and gestured for me to try. I shook my head.
     "I'm bad at claw machines...besides, these things are rigged anyways." She pouted and quickly grabbed my hands.
     "You say you're bad at everything, just give it a try! I know you can do it!" She protested. I smiled softly and nodded. I positioned the joystick to grab the rabbit and pushed the button. To my surprise, the claw picked it up! Nanami pressed her face against the glass as the toy landed in the hole. She excitedly grabbed it and held it up to me. I politely declined her offer and told her to keep it. She looked thoughtful for a moment before grabbing the joystick out of my hands and trying the game again. She ended up grabbing a black bear with white paws. We both watched as it dropped into the hole. She grinned and offered it to me. I again declined but she insisted.
"We both get one!"
I smiled and took it from her to put in my bag. We walked around for a while before I saw her yawn. I checked my watch, it read 9:00 pm. I gasped. We'd been here for hours! It only felt like five minutes had passed.
"Nanami...it's 9. We should probably get going," I told her. She huffed and nodded sadly, grabbing my hand again. I gave it a gentle squeeze and she smiled at me. We walked out of the arcade hand in hand and over to her apartment. It wasn't too far from my house. I walked her to her door and grinned down at her.
"It was nice hanging out with you Hajime," she said softly, blushing under the moonlight. I blushed as well and turned to walk away, but she grabbed my arm instead.
"Hey what are you—" she cut me off by pressing her soft lips to mine. I gasped and sighed contently. I ran my hands through her fluffy pink hair. She tasted like strawberries and vanilla. It was incredible. We pulled away after a few seconds and just stood there, blushing at each other. I kissed her cheek quickly.
"It was nice hanging out with you too Chiaki~"

753 words <3 Not bad! I don't write much Hinanami so this was fun! I'd love to do more in the future! I've already got an idea for my next oneshot, courtesy of the lovely HyperFlare8263 so except a Togafuka one in a few days~!^^

I love ya~!<3

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