{6} Antiseptic

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PS: I dunno if I'm going for fanon or canon Kuroo, but here we go-

(Y/n)'s POV

I analyzed the team Karasuno was up against. From their movements, I knew they were experienced. And from what I've heard, they're all about good defense. Karasuno is a very offensive team while Nekoma is the complete opposite, I see why they're rivals.

Not too far away, I could hear a boy complaining about how he lost the bet and how he had to buy his teammates yakisoba buns, man, I feel bad for him. I smiled as I saw Shoyo interacting with a boy, his roots are showing, but he still looks cool nonetheless.

"So, what's a cutie like you doing here, hm?" The captain of Nekoma's team, Kuroo Tetsurou, asked.

"I'm their temporary manager, it's a must for me to be here, just like you," I replied, unaffected by the ravenette's advances.

Kuroo went quiet, he obviously didn't think this through. He thought I would have gotten flustered from the first line. I continued to look at both teams who were gearing up for the practice match. Kuroo remained awkwardly silent, thinking of what he was supposed to say next.

"What school are you from?"

"I'm from U- Shiratorizawa," I immediately corrected my mistake, I miss everyone in UA, I wish I could go back earlier. Oh, and Yo and Inasa. Even if they aren't from UA, I'm still good friends with them.

Kuroo noticed my slip up, but he didn't question me much to my relief, "So you're a rich kid?"

I let out an awkward chuckle, "No, no, I'm far from that. I'm actually on a full on scholarship. All my other living expenses are paid with the money I earn with my job."

"Your parents don't help you? Oh, are you from another country?" Why does he suddenly have a lot of questions for me? Well, it's not that I mind. Maybe, just maybe, I could also be good friends with him even if he lives in Tokyo. Long distance relationships work if both people from both sides put enough effort.

"Sadly, my parents have passed, so I was forced to move to Japan," I answered, "Sorry if that was a bit personal. I make things pretty awkward..."

"No, no, it's alright. I was the one who brought up the topic anyways, and I'm sorry. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get the scholarship? You need to be really smart to get it."

"This feels like an interrogation, are you interrogating me?" I joked.

"It isn't an interrogation, but I would like to know more about an interesting lady such as yourself," Kuroo slyly grinned, they don't call him the scheming captain for nothing. And he's pretty cat-like.

"Well, I'm good in all subjects, but I do have favorites! I love literature, visual arts, humanities, chemistry, psychology and PE. What about you?" As soon as I mentioned chemistry, Kuroo brightened up.

"I'm a proud chemistry nerd. Why do you think chemists are happy in the lab? Because they're in their element." I laughed alongside Kuroo at his pun. Some people may call it cheesy, but they are actually pretty funny.

"Kuroo, the match is starting," one of the captain's teammates called out.

"You better keep your ion the prize," I cracked another joke.

"Yes ma'am," Kuroo dramatically saluted before he rushed back to his teammates.

The members of Karasuno glared at Kuroo, they were definitely jealous. They were jealous because the scheming captain made me laugh so easily, and they didn't even know why. Nonetheless, Ryu and Yuu were ready to give Nekoma their all and crush them.

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