{28} Clippers

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(Y/n)'s POV

Currently, I was on a train ride to Tokyo with Izuku. We were visiting to place more hidden surveillance cameras. Every once in a while, the greenette would fidget uncomfortably while I sat where I was, spaced out.

I realized he felt awkward, which was understandable, but I did nothing to shift the mood. I was simply too tired to care. I continued to stare at the buildings as the bullet train whizzed past the tall structures.

Quite suddenly, the train took an abrupt halt. The lights that illuminated the train cabin flickered before completely shutting off. Another attack? I stood up from my chair, leaving a stunned Izuku behind as I rushed through the trian to find the perpetrator.

To shut off a bullet train, they'd have to enter the control panel. I felt multiple eyes focused on me, some filled with wonder, some with disgust, but that didn't change the fact that they each held out their phones, videoing my actions.

I cursed when I used my quirk. Whoever this perpetrator was, they were playing hard to get. I walked towards the nearest window. I coiled back my fist, ready to strike. The moment my fist came upon impact with the glass, it shattered, allowing me an entrance to the train's roof.

I easily slipped out of the small hole and hauled myself onto the roof. Five cabins away from me, the perpetrator stood.

Without knowing what overtook me, I launched myself at the villain. Even as they ran as fast as they could, they were still unable to outrun me. Almost wolfishly, I pounced on them, my hands instantly reached for their neck. No mercy. No forgiveness. No redemption.

With my strength, I easily crushed the villain's neck, earning a sickening crunch. The brutality didn't faze me. My expression remained stone cold as I glared at the unsightly puddle of gray. I reentered the cabin through the shattered window.

The civilians that were previously there had presumably been evacuated by Izuku. I focused on heightening my hearing to check if there were any remaining passengers on the deserted train. There was one.

I dashed through the dozens of cabins until I finally arrived where the passenger supposedly hid. Their eyes widened in recognition when they landed on me. Kuroo, huh? If he's here... what was he doing in Miyagi?

"(Y/n)... is that you?" He asked.

"Yes it's me. You have to get off the train, please. There are villains nearby. If you don't evacuate, you'll die. For all we know, we could be surrounded by dozens of villains." I quickly explained. "C'mon."

"That kid in green previously, was he your friend?"

"Yes, he's my friend. Why didn't you follow him?"

"I don't know who the bad guys or good guys are. I wouldn't know who to follow. For all I know, he could've been a bad guy."

"As skeptical as ever, Tetsurou. Follow me." I grabbed his hand in mine; I made sure not to squeeze too hard.

"I'm not going with you either," he stubbornly retracted his hand. "Not until you tell me what's happening."

"I don't have time," I stuffed my hands in my pockets. "You can either stay here and die by the hands of the villains, or be saved by following me. I don't plan on revealing more than I have."

Yes, I was supposed to be a hero. Yes, I was supposed to save as many lives as I could. Then why wasn't I trying my best to persuade Tetsurou to follow me? As much as I'd like to sit around and explain to him what was happening, there were other hundreds of lives at risk.

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