{18} Blood Transfusion

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Warning: Violence, slight gore, mentions of death and mental disorders.

(Y/n)'s POV

"What....What are you doing here?!" I hissed, grip tightening on the man's arms.

"I could ask the same thing as you," he drawled, a confident smirk on his lips.

"But you're not the real Touya, are you?" I heaved a huge sigh, calming down once I realized the villain in front of me wasn't the real Todoroki Touya.

"As smart as ever," the ravenette chuckled, "It's his quirk. I never thought it would be that useful....You know, (N/n), why don't you just join the League of Villains, hm? Isn't it in your blood? Weren't you the one that was supposed to lead us villains to a new dawn?"

"Shut...Shut up!" I screamed.

"Join the League of Villains-"

The sound of a sickening crack echoed in the dark alleyway. The head of the villain was bent in an unnatural angle; a sharp white object stuck out of his neck. His blue lifeless eyes that were once filled with the sparked with mischief were now an empty dark lifeless void.

The clone's body turned into a puddle of brown putty. I continued to stare mindlessly at the brown puddle before walking away, a grim expression on my face. This won't do. That should have been the real one.

I gasped, realizing the severity of my own thoughts. Touya's not wrong....No matter what heroic deeds I do, no matter how much I help others, I'll always be the villain. Always. And nothing will ever change that.

I let out a humorless laugh that sounded so, so broken, "Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh, Dekiai?"


"Touya, he was here," I was now on the phone with my father. "He's here and he knows about that. I don't know how, but he does."

Uneasy shuffling could be heard from the other line, "So Shigaraki finally told them. No news of you has been released in our world, but I'm sure it won't take long for them to take action, but that doesn't matter. As your father, I'd like to say everything is going to be fine, but I'd just be lying."

"I know. Everyone would hate me. Hell, they would probably want me dead where I stand for being their descendant....though to me, it doesn't matter. What matters is that everyone's safe. That's the job of a hero isn't it?" I tried forcing a smile onto my face, but failed.

"And that's where you're wrong, (Y/n). Your friends would accept you no matter what," I didn't understand why Nezu sounded chirpy, happy even. "The citizens of Japan can't simply disregard everything you've done for them."

"Still..." I mumbled. "How do you know they won't hate me?"

"Overhual and Hawks are still your friends, aren't they?" He said. "If they can't accept you for who you are, then that means they were never your friend."

"I guess you're right. I-I'll have to end the call for now, Dad. I've got some things to deal with. Bye for now," I hung up, sighing once more.

"(Y/n)," Toshi's monotone voice startled me.

"A-Ah, hey. Let's get going," I weakly smiled. "We have an exciting day ahead of us. Let's win all of our matches."

"Are you sure you aren't sick? You have been quite weary lately. You do not have to come. Please don't push yourself for our sake," aww, that's sweet.

"No, no, I'm not sick. I'm just a bit tired, not sick. Don't worry about me, just worry about the games you'll have," I gave the olive-haired male a more convincing smile; he didn't buy it.

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