{12} Contact Lenses

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PS: I changed (Y/n)'s age to 16

(Y/n)'s POV

"You're saying (Y/n) beat up three full grown men and a woman?" Tenten gaped, he wasn't able to believe it.

"Yeah, she knocked all of them out in three seconds flat!" Atsu exclaimed.

I awkwardly laughed, "Okay, okay, that's an exaggeration. I took about five seconds, not three. And you all should go to your respective teams, we're going to have friendly matches in another minute or so, okay?"

Tenten looked at me for a moment before he sat on the bench. I started to go through game plans, but I could tell the guess blocker wasn't paying attention at all. The spacey look on his face said it all. What's up with Tenten lately? I'll ask him later...Since Tenten wasn't in best condition, I subbed Kenjiro in for the redette.

I gave him one last stare before I focused on the game, Shiratorizawa needed their manager.

Tendou's POV

I looked at (Y/n), she was such a mystery. At first, I thought she was just an innocent transfer student, but the more I got to know her, the more mysterious she got. She had said that she was from a school named UA, there was absolutely nothing about the school.

Then, the Miya twins got saved by (Y/n). Everything I knew about the (h/c)-haired girl didn't add up, something was obviously missing. She knew how to treat wounds, physical and psychological ones along with knowing how to fight and her background was an absolute mystery. She's like a ghost.

I didn't want to think badly of (Y/n), it was obvious to me that she was the kindest soul I've met, one that'd do anything to help another person, but the possibility of her being a yakuza member is pretty damn high if you think about it. What normal sixteen year old girl is advanced in all forms of education and knew how to treat lethal wounds with a ghost background? Yeah, that's far from normal. If (Y/n) truly is a member of the yakuza, why would she come to Shiratorizawa?

Again, these were all theories, I had no evidence to back me up. The only way to find out was if I somehow got (Y/n) to confess, but how? A perfect idea came to mind, I'll just ask her personally when no ones around. If she avoids my question, she'd look guilty.

I let out a sigh, man, all that thinking really fried my brain. I don't think I could focus on a game today. (Y/n)'s definitely going to get irritated. When I looked at (Y/n), my eyes met with her (e/c) orbs. They were....calculative, devoid of its usual bright sparkle. Once she noticed me, she brightened up and smiled. Yeah, there's definitely something up with (Y/n).


(Y/n)'s POV

Practice was over, but that didn't mean I couldn't learn more about the other teams. I gathered Atsu, 'Samu, Rin-kun and Omi-Omi. The four looked at me confused, but they were slightly glad they were picked. "I know it might be bothersome for some of you to be here, and I wholeheartedly apologize, but could you hit some spikes for me? I'll be on the receiving end."

"Of course I'll do it!" Atsu immediately agreed, 'Samu did the same.

Omi-Omi hesitantly nodded his head, he was only agreeing to this because I was the one who asked. If anyone else did, he would immediately say no. Actually, he wouldn't even be present in the room. Rin-san, who didn't interacted with me much, agreed just because he had time on his hands.

The first up was Omi-Omi. I gave them a nice serve so that it'd be easily received. Atsu set the ball to Omi-Omi, let's see that spin. The Itachiyama ace met my expectations, the spin on the ball was absolutely nasty. They had all thought I would fail, but I easily scooped the ball up with little to none effort.

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