{11} Cough Drops

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PS: Early update :)

(Y/n)'s POV

I looked at Tenten. He was on his phone. he quickly put the device away. After minutes of waiting the gym doors opened to reveal Inarizaki. My eyes twinkled in recognition as they landed on the Miya twins, I had done a commission for them before. Not only that, but I also keep tabs on our opponents, they were apart of one of the top volleyball teams in the nation.

I tore my gaze away from the two; I asked for the boys to stop circling the gym and start their drills. Everyone immediately complied. I took out a small notepad to check if any of them had improved or were lagging behind. By far, I could tell that everyone was doing well.

"Are you (N/n)penguin?" I turned around to see Atsumu Miya.

"Oh, yeah, I am. You don't have to be so formal with me. Just call me (Y/n) or (N/n)," I smiled at the Inarizaki player.

"If he's bothering you, just ignore him," Osamu, Atsumu's twin, drawled.

"Don't worry, he wasn't disturbing me. It's actually an honor to meet you two in person. I keep up with volleyball news." I reassuringly said. "And thanks for asking me to draw you two, it was actually pretty fun.

"So you remember us? I guess I'm just that irresistible," Atsumu smirked.

"Says the uglier twin," Osamu jeered.

"Aren't you two identical twins? In my opinion, you two are really handsome," I interjected. "Anywho, you two should go back to your team. They look like they'll be starting warmups in a bit."

I jogged towards my own teams and started to congratulate them. All of them had made progress. I asked Coach Washijo to take over from the point, I wanted to sit down and observe Inarizaki so I could pick apart their weaknesses, this was the perfect chance.

A little while later, the Itachiyama volleyball club arrived, I tokk note of Sakusa Kiyoomi, he was the top two ace. From what I head, he's a germaphobe. I'll be extra cautious and clean around him. I don't want to offend Omi-Omi. Here I was back at it again with some cute nicknames. I had even made some for the twins. Atsumu was Atsu while Osamu was 'Samu.

"(Y/n), we're doing receiving drills now. Would you mind helping?" Semisemi asked.

"Sure, just gimme a moment," I took off my sweater and cargo pants, leaving me clothed with tight volleyball wear.

Everyone in the gym tried their best not too stare. I did a couple of stretches so I wouldn't accidentally pull a muscle; the boys were literally dying at my display. Coach Washijo face palmed at my obliviousness. I did one last stretch before I entered the court.

Tenten picked up a ball and tossed it to me. I gave him a nod of thanks before I got into position. While the other teams continued to stare, the Shiratorizawa boys froze. They were all thinking the same thing, fuck. Whenever they had receiving practice, none of them would be able to receive my serves in their first try.

Toshi was the first to step up. I grinned as I dribbled the ball, it was apart of my serving routine. I served the ball when Toshi had dropped his guard; I decided to give him a killer jump serve. The ball whizzed past Toshi; he could only look at it as it hit the floor. He cursed himself for not being fast enough to react.

"Sugoi," Atsu muttered to himself.

Instead of teasing Atsu, 'Samu found himself agreeing with his twin brother for once. Sakusa, who had initially thought that I was nothing more than a snobbish celebrity, hated himself for thinking like that. It was obvious those serves I posted on tiktok weren't just for show.

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