{25} Sethoscope

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(Y/n)'s POV

It seems like the universe wasn't being nice to me, I couldn't catch a break. I stared at my calendar. Even though it was an inanimate object, I felt like it was staring back at me tauntingly. Five important projects were due next week, and it wasn't like I could do it last minute. It was a group project.

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw please. I let out a disgruntled noise that was the embodiment and representation of all my pent up frustrations— it sounded like a dying banshee screeching for deal life.

"(Y/n)?" Kai was concerned.

"Oh uh, you must've heard that. Sorry. I'm just frustrated. I've got tons of group projects due next week which means I can't do them last minute, and you know what makes me angrier? Why am I even worrying over projects? As far as I'm concerned, I've graduated university with flying colors! Why do I have to redo high school?" I moped as I continued to stuff my face in my pillow. "It's going to be good for you, he said."

He awkwardly patted my head, "I'm sure everything will be fine. If you're still pressed about it, I could always do the group project in your stead. If anyone wants to bother you, I'll deal with them. Does that sound good?"

"WHAT?! No, that does not sound good!" I looked up from my pillow, eyes wide and worried. "I don't want to trouble you."

"(Y/n), you've got more on your plate then I do. As far as I'm concerned, the sick and injured one with too much work to do is you, while I'm the perfectly capable one with no work to do." Kai pointed out.


"No buts. Lay back down." He commanded. "If you want to watch the Shiratorizawa's boys' volleyball match, it's playing on the TV right now."

Knowing there was no room to argue, I shifted my attention to Shiratorizawa's match. Unsurprisingly, it was a match against Itachiyama. Kai looked at me, I was in my 'analyzing' state he noted. My pupils darted side to side, capturing every detail I deemed important.

"Toshi should have been placed on the left instead of the right. He's more effective there. Tendou should not have been put in the starter lineup. Instead, having two setters would be a lot more useful." I muttered to myself unconsciously.

Kai prodded my shoulder which successfully snapped me out of my thoughts. Immediately, I stopped my incoherent mumbling. He shook his head as if saying 'enough is enough, stop overworking your brain'. I nodded my head, realizing that coming up with probabilities that included percentages in their ten-hundredths place probably wasn't the best for my current mental state.

"Oh, have you seen my phone anywhere?" I finally realized that I hadn't seen my phone since the day I fell unconscious, which was about a day ago if I'm not mistaken.

"I kept it away since I thought you'd like to stay away from all forms of social media for quite some time," he fished my phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"You're right about that. I'm only going to check my contacts."

I swore my eyes popped right out of their sockets at the amount of notifications I had on my messaging app. Thousands. I began to scroll through contacts, each one of them shooting me worried texts. 'Are you okay?' and 'Is there anything I could do to help?' were what the texts usually consisted of.

I started to directly message each one of my friends to express my gratitude. I gave them all their own personalized response. When I tapped on Tooru's contacts, his messages were a lot different from my other worried friends.

[one day ago]


(Y/n), are you alright?

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