{31} Dental Floss

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(Y/n)'s POV

Stealthily, I watched over the boys as they did their drills. I was relieved they all remained in one location most of the time, so they were easy to guard. Though, rarely left for nearby convenience stores.

"Hey, don't you feel like someone else is here with us? In this store, I mean?" Koushi asked Daichi, who was already checking out the drinks and snacks they bought for the night as a treat for the team's hard work.

"Yeah, I feel like someone's been following us...." The Karasuno Captain agreed with the setter.

If I were to professionally follow someone, I would not have revealed my presence or left the slightest trace behind. The reason why I allowed the two third-years to sense my presence was because I wanted to keep them on their heels.

If they were caught in a villain attack, there was a 12% chance they would react faster due to being on edge. The moment they tore their eyes off the exit, I made a quick, silent escape. I followed them on their way back.

They made an unexpected pause. Were they going to ask me to come out? No... I think there's another presence here with us. It couldn't be Katsuki or Hitoshi since they stayed behind. A villain perhaps?

"Please come out," Daichi demanded, his voice stern.

"Oh, you caught me! The two of you are really handsome– I wonder how much prettier you'll look covered in your own blood!" The blond high schooler leaped out of the shadows, a feral grin spread across her lips. "It was a shame I had to reveal myself so early~"

Toga doesn't even realize I'm here with her. I guess that is expected of someone who's never properly trained before. I lurched out of the shadows, my body slamming against Toga's. I pinned her onto the ground before I cleanly snapped her neck.

Her body melted, turning into a disgusting gray-brown puddle. I vanished just as quickly as I had appeared, leaving the two confused. I rescanned the area for any other villains. There were none which confused me to no end, and brought a feeling of unease to myself.

What was with that half-assed attack? Sending a single villain after my friends knowing that I'm somewhere nearby is redundant. What are they trying to do? There's no way Sihigaraki is dumb enough to do something like that. Did they do this as a warning? To cause me to overthink?

"I think it's better if we head back," Koushi muttered, his eyes wearily scanning the area. "If we stay here for too long, who knows what will happen?"

"You're right," Daichi clenched and unclenched his hands as a coping mechanism for the shock he underwent, "Whoever saved us, we should thank them, but I don't think we'll always be that lucky to have someone watching over us.

The third-years rushed back, me closely following them. Once they returned to their respective rooms, I headed for Hitoshi and Katsuki's hiding spots. They shook their heads, signifying that they have yet to see any villain activity.

My frown deepened, "Maybe I'm just overthinking things, but don't you think it's weird? They wouldn't send Toga alone knowing that I'd be there to stop them. It isn't like them to launch an attack unless well thought out. As much as I hate to admit, the man-child, Shigaraki, is quite smart although childish."

"No, you're right, but then again... they literally tried derailing a whole train with you and Deku in it. Are they perhaps trying to lure the heroes out? So that everyone will know what we look like so the Japanese government can capture us?" Hitoshi theorized.

"Barney over here is right," Katsuki agreed. "Those shitty villains are probably trying to cause a mess so that we have no choice but to reveal our identities. Those fuckers know what they're doing."

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