{22} Braces

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Warning: Violence, death and sensitive themes/topics.

(Y/n)'s POV

Our next match was against Fukurodani. I gave Kou a wave, he responded with a wave of his own, albeit a lot more energetic. His teammates gave their ace a concerned stare, they didn't remember him having any interactions with me.

I chuckled, hugging my notepad close to my chest. Everyone glared at Kou in jealousy, all wondering how he had got me in such a good mood. That's it. We're crushing them, the Shiratorizawa boys thought.

After a bit of stretching and some warm ups, both teams were ready to go. As I had predicted, we were the ones to serve first. I squinted, eyeing the ball. I blinked in surprise, seeing black dots in the edges of my field of vision.

My quirk may heal injuries and such, but long-stretched out damage, such as constantly sleeping late and pushing oneself, could not be fully healed. I can't replace missing sleep. I was constantly exerting energy to ward off all physical disturbances.

The strained use of my quirk will eventually cause me to come crashing down, and it was impossible to tell when it was going to happen as I felt normal, if not great, physically. I had been constantly using my quirk to keep me on my feet for the past few months, and that...that could only mean one thing.

I was about to shut down and enter a comatose state.

I hissed, biting my tongue. My head was absolutely killing me. I stumbled forwards, dropping the items that I held. I lifted both my hands and pressed them against my head, hoping to relieve my pounding temples. The pain only worsened.

The world was spinning. I felt like I was about to throw up. I winced, feeling bile rise up my throat. It was an extremely unpleasant feeling. My eyes blurred from tears of pain. Damn it, not now of all times.



Chisaki's POV

I rushed through the silenced crowd, hopping over the rails and onto court. I caught (Y/n) just in time before she fell onto the floor. She pushed herself too hard. What type of friend am I if I allow this to happen? Did she experience another one of her episodes? That must be it...

I cradled her in my arms, sighing in relief when her heartbeat steadied. "I'll bring her to the clinic. Continue your game."

Not giving a chance for the boys to reply, I was already off, carrying the (h/c)ette in my arms. Why do you do this to yourself? Why do you not care for yourself? Why? I bursted through the clinic doors, surprising the doctor that sat in his chair.

He dropped the book he was holding, shrieking in surprise. Seeing the passed out girl in my arms, the doctor rushed towards me, a look of concern plastered on his face. I placed (Y/n) on the bed.

"She overworked herself," I explained.

"But she looks completely healthy!" The doctor exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's hard to believe, but that is exactly what happened."

"If you say so..."

The doctor got to work immediately. Once checking her vitals, the doctor understood what I meant. Her skin was burning hot and her muscles were strained. I was worried. Even if this had happened before, what happened if (Y/n) got into a comatose state?

She had once blacked out in the middle of a fight, her heart no longer beating. Nezu had reassured all heroes that (Y/n) was fine, but it was truly hard to believe that she wasn't dead. Thankfully, she had woken up a week later, perfectly alright.

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