{13} Pain Killers

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(Y/n)'s POV

I looked at Omi-Omi, he was sulking in a corner. Seeing how he's very sensitive to crowds, what could we do? Go to the park? Yeah, I think that seems like the best option. Going to restaurants and crowded markets is a no go...but I was hoping I could get some cute trinkets form here as a memo.

I looked at Shinsu, he wouldn't mind helping me out, would he? "Shinsu! If it isn't too much to ask, could you please get some trinkets for me in the souvenir shop for me? I promise I'll pay you back!"

"I was planning to go there in the first place. I'll get something you like. What do you want?" He asked.

"Trinkets or keychains please!" I brightly beamed.

"Alright," Shinsu agreed. "Don't worry about the price. I'll pay for you."

"Eh? No, no, please don't use your money on me! I'll pay for them," I complained.

"It's my gift to you for helping Atsumu and Osamu and...for being my friend," a cupid's arrow shot through my heart when Shinsu gently smiled, my lord. I can't with this sweetness!

Shinsu left with his partner, the only ones left in the room were Omi-Omi and I. "Hey, Omi-Omi, do you want to go to the park?"

The ravenette paused, evaluating my offer, "Will it be crowded?"

"I'm sure it won't, but if it is, we could just go back," when I said this, he felt really bad for asking me to be his partner.

Maybe he shouldn't have asked me to be partners with him. With his constant fear of germs, being with me would restrain me from doing what I wanted, and he also knew that I wanted to get some souvenirs, but couldn't because I was too considerate of him.

"Stop worrying so much about me and do what you want. If it's too crowded, just leave me," Omi-Omi requested.

"Are you sure? You might get lost, and I wouldn't want anything bad happening to you, and staying with you isn't such a bother. If you go around the city alone, what would be the fun in that? Isn't it fun to have your friends with you? I'd rather go to the park with you than go searching for souvenirs by myself," I admitted, smiling.

The Itachiyama ace was truly at a loss for words. He couldn't comprehend what I had said. He ended up robotically nodding his head. I had a huge grin on my face, "Come on now! I heard they have a beautiful lake nearby. I wanna see the cute ducks!"

Sakusa's POV

I trailed after (Y/n) as she excitedly skipped to the park. She'd purposefully take the long route since it was less crowded. She cares too much about others, honestly. When we had arrived in the park, no one was there surprisingly. (Y/n)'s eyes sparkled with joy as she observed her surroundings.

A wide smile spread across her lips as she ran up the hill, the wind softly blew against her hair. When she had turned around, she gave me a closed eyed smile. (Y/n)'s simple action made my heart race. Form the way her (h/l) (h/c) hair framed her face as it fluttered in the wind to her gentle smile; she simply looked ethereal.

"Omi-Omi, I've found the cutest little ducklings! Do you want to take a look?"

Without thinking, my body had reacted on its own. I slowly approached (Y/n). The warm aura she emitted made me feel safe. It was definite to me that she was a magnet for boys. (Y/n) stepped aside to reveal three ducklings, all without a mother. My brows furrowed in confusion, no mother duck would leave their children. Something must have happened.

"They don't have a mother," I pointed out.

"Oh, their mother left in search of food. She trusted me with them," she chuckled. "Animals seem to really like me."

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