{1} Ice Pack

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(Y/n)'s POV

I picked up my phone, grinning when I saw the caller ID, "Izuku, hello."

"(Y/n), are you okay? We promise we're going to get you back, you don't have to worry!" The greenette started to mumble faster and faster.

"Izuku, deep breaths. Remember what I told you to do. Take a deep breath and calm down," I whispered comfortingly into the phone, using my quirk so Izuku would relax, it was really surprising when I had found out that I was able to use my quirk over the phone.

"Sorry..." Izuku apologized, finally calming down.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, and I'm doing good, you don't have to worry about me. I'm actually having quite a bit of fun here. It's actually pretty relaxing too, the crime rate here is really low and everyone is kind." I smiled, still using my quirk on the greenette as a means to comfort him.

I would normally hug Izuku since the comforting aspect of my quirk worked the best that way, but I'm not physically there with the greenette right now so my voice would do just fine.

"That's good to know-" Izuku was cut off by Katsuki, I assumed the ash blond had stolen Izuku's phone.

"(Y/n), where the fuck are you?" The angered blond growled.

"I'm in a different universe obviously. How are you holding up Katsuki?" I asked, since Katsuki had started to attend UA, he would always be sent to my office; I'm the only one who could calm Katsuki down and the only person he'd listen too.

Katsuki hesitated, but answered honestly due to my quirk, "....I'm...fine, but I've been a but anxious lately since you're not around."

"Awwww, so you do care for me!" A huge grin made its way onto my face.

"I told you not to use your fucking quirk on me!" Katsuki shouted, sounding angrier then ever; I could hear the snickers of who I assumed to be Mina, Denki and Sero.

I heard a thump, it was probably the phone being set down by Katsuki; angry screeching could be heard soon after, I chuckled at this.

"(Y/n)?" The calm voice of Shoto could be heard from the other line.

"Hello Shoto, how are you?" I asked, using my quirk again so that the dual haired boy would answer truthfully, you could say I abuse my power too much, but it is my duty to keep tabs on all the classes in UA and make sure they're mentally stable and happy; physically too, but Grandma usually deals with that.

"I feel lonely that you aren't here with me, I'd like to have lunch with you in your office like we usually do. My father hasn't been much of a trouble lately, he's trying to be nicer now, I don't know why," Shoto said, after I had a talk with his dad, he was willing to mend his relationship with Shoto but I'm not sure if Shoto is ready. It's good to know that Todoroki-san is actually trying.

"It's good that your father is treating you better. We could start having video calls at lunchtime if you're willing," I suggested.

"Of course, I'll call you at lunchtime, and you didn't have to use your quirk on me, I would have answered truthfully," Shoto said.

"I'm just making sure," I smiled.

"(Y/n), we have to get to class in another five minutes, we'll be late if you don't go now," Tsutomu placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Ah, I have to leave Shoto. Tell the others that I miss them alright? Bye!" I hung up, starting to pack up.

"Who's that?" Tsutomu, who definitely didn't listen to our whole conversation, asked.

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