{20} Lip Balm

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(Y/n)'s POV

I ran my hand through my messy hair, what time is it? I reached out to the small bedside table, searching for my trusty phone. I winced the moment the device lit up, it was obnoxiously bright. Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I read the numbers that seemingly stared at me tauntingly. It was five in the morning.

I quickly turned off my phone and put it away. I pulled on my blanket, covering myself in its soothing warmth. I leaned on my side. Finding the position uncomfortable, I shifted yet again. This time, I was laying down on my stomach, face buried in my pillow.

The cycle repeated again and again, causing me to grow irritated. The feeling chipped away at my consciousness like chisel. I angrily jolted up, having enough of sleeplessly laying in bed. Looks like the universe wants me to wake up.

I quickly slipped out of my nightwear and into a pristine purple-white uniform. Instead of wearing my Shiratorizawa jacket, I wore the one I had stolen borrowed from Kai. The simple presence of the former Yakuza leader's jacket brought me a feeling of safety and happiness, something that this dark, empty room failed to provide.

Before I had exited my room, I checked my phone yet again. Not much time had passed, it was only five past twenty. I squinted, a notification, one from my many platforms. I released my grip on the startlingly cold doorknob and unlocked my phone.

My frown deepened, seeing that a certain somebody had used her father's influence to sully my name. I shook my head, how petty could people be? My fingers skimmed over my hundreds of photos. Once I had came across the video I had been searching for, I posted it on all my platforms, adding a small caption.

@Tadokoro_Official You're the one who threatened me. Please stop playing the victim.

Yes, what I did was merciless, but it was needed. The girl needed to understand that relying on her father's fame and reputation won't get her anywhere, much less using her father's influence to bring down others. Imagine how disappointed her father would be once he figures out what his daughter had done.

Normally, I would have been a lot more merciful. I would have denied Tadokoro's accusations simply through text. If it did start getting out of hand, I would then post the video. Everyone, at least once, had felt unexplainably grumpy and pissed; that was what I was feeling right now. To put it frankly, I wasn't in the mood to deal with a spoilt rich brat trying to cancel me.

I slipped my phone into my pocket. I closed the door to my room and walked towards the elevator. My stomach grumbled, reminding me that I needed to eat. My mood brightened at the thought of food. Food never failed to make me happy. I headed to the buffet. Crossing my fingers, I hoped that they already had food prepared.

If they didn't, it wouldn't have been a problem since I could go the nearby convenience store to buy food, but cooked food was definitely healthier than getting some cheap snack from Seven Eleven. The moment I stepped foot into the buffet, I felt relieved. Not only was the food prepared, but there were only a handful of people in the buffet.

"Hey, hey, hey!!" An energetic voice called. That voice, it sounds oddly familiar.

I turned around to see who had called out to me. Surprisingly, it was Fukurodani's ace. I gave the owl-looking boy a wave of acknowledgment before I returned to picking out my breakfast. I had taken a plate/bowl full of (f/f) for me to enjoy. (F/f) had always been my favorite food and my comfort food.

I took a seat in one of the tables at the edge of the buffet, distancing myself from the group of people. Without saying anything, the handful of people and I had made a silent agreement to stay away from one another and keep quiet....excluding Bokuto. The lively ace approached me, a wide grin stretched across his lips.

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