{23} Insulin

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PS: Me forgetting to post on Wattpad :' )

3rd POV

Seeing the (h/c)ette manager collapse had severely affected Shiratorizawa. Their performance was messy and frantic. They wanted the game to end. Whether they emerged as the victor of the match, or as the loser, they didn't care, but the same could be said for Fukurodani's ace, Bokuto Koutarou.

The match continued on. Even if impressive plays took place, none of the teams cheered. The gym was filled with an overwhelmingly negative aura. The audience themselves too were worried for the girl. Everyone wanted the match to end.


Shiratorizawa won, though that didn't matter to both teams. The eagle themed team felt as if they lost. Somewhere deep down, they knew Fukurodani's Ace purposefully made mistakes with the hope that the match would quickly. They were forever grateful to the owl-looking male.

Leaving behind their angered but understanding coach, they rushed to the clinic.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Kai...I'm sorry for worrying you. I should probably go outside and tell everyone they're fine," I tried to push myself out of the firm bed.

Not finding enough strength within my aching arms, I fell backwards. The hero reprimanded me without hesitation. Going on and on, he scolded me, but his words fell deaf to my ears. What my brother said...and the encounter with my biological parents, that was the only thing I thought about, the only thing I could think of without my mind fogging up.

"Kai..." My shaky call for his name silenced him. "I...I had another one of my nightmares, but this time...this time it was different. I saw Dekiai and- and them. They were right in front of me, and I swear it wasn't just a dream! They were...alive!"

"But (Y/n), they're dead," he gently whispered. "I think you should get some rest."

My previously weak arms surged with energy. I grabbed Kai's arms, staring him right in the eye, "Dekiai said the villains are coming. He said that we were running out of time. We need everyone here. We need every single hero! Please...Please listen to me, Kai!" I sounded like a madwoman, but underlying my crazed tone was a brokenness he'd never seen in me.

"(Y/n)..." he hesitantly murmured. "Tell me what happened from the beginning."

And so, I did. Words easily slipped out of my mouth, clear and strong. If there was one thing I was sure about in my current situation, it was that this universe was in danger, but that wasn't it. This...This attack the villains were going to stage, I felt, no knew it was just a starter move in Shigaraki's grandly twisted game.

Uncharacteristically, Kai pulled me into a hug, rubbing comforting circles around my back. I buried my head into the crook of his neck, continuing to sob. Crying never felt so relieving. The burdens that have continued to stack on my already absurdly large mountain of worries dissipated.

Suddenly, everything felt okay even if it wasn't. I took in a deep breath through my snot clogged nose, which was probably strikingly red. I continued to cry to my heart's content, uncaring what I looked like at the moment.

Once satisfied, I pulled away. I reached out for the tissue box, glowering in annoyance when I realized it was out of reach. Noticing my struggle, Kai took the tissue box and offered it to me. I gave him an appreciative nod.

Quickly, I wiped away my tears, "Thank you."

"I don't think you should say thank you to me. I couldn't say anything to you. I was barely any comfort. All I did was hug you. I could've done so much more. If I realized you were going through all this in the beginning. I could have helped you," he argued.

"No, if you interfered, none of this would happen. I wouldn't have come into contact with Dekiai," I stubbornly disagreed. "Does...Does me being a killer cause you to view me any less? I am the lowest of the low, after all. Villain scum."

"Don't say that about yourself," the fierceness in his tone frightened me. "I know you've heard this from someone else, but who your parents are does not determine your identity. Didn't you tell that to a friend of yours? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?"

"But unlike me, he did nothing wrong while I...I murdered people, Kai! I took innocent lives, and I didn't even remember that I did. I don't even know the names or faces of the people I killed. That disrespect, it's far beyond forgivable, and I- I killed my own brother...." I whispered the last part to myself, the weight of the sentence finally came crashing down on me.

"But so did I. I killed people, and same as you, I didn't remember their names or faces, nor did I try to. (Y/n), my sins are just as bad as yours, if not worse. You didn't know you were doing anything wrong. You only carried out your parents' orders while I mindlessly killed to achieve what I wanted. If you think of yourself as the worst villain, then what am I?"


"Stil what?! For once, (Y/n), for once, pull your head out of your ass and tell me! Tell me what I am if you're the worst villain?!" Kai didn't intend to shout, but the words fleetingly left his lips before he could even process them.

I didn't know what to say because I couldn't bring myself to say what I thought. I bit my lip, shying away from the male's piercing golden eyes. I languidly lifted my legs, bringing my them to my stomach as I cradled them. Mindlessly, I rested my head on my knees, having nothing to stay.

"Exactly," he huffed. "Nothing. If society is somehow able to forgive me for what I've done, they could do the same to you, and in the end, who cares what they think? I know you, (Y/n). I can confidently say that I know you, and I can say without a doubt that you're a good person. You would never wish harm upon the innocent."

"Everyone tells me to disregard what everyone else thinks, but I don't think I could ever do that. If they don't like me, my heroing career is over. I won't be able to right my wrongs anymore. That's just how society is. Even if you're innocent, but have the whole world is against you, even your friends who believed in you and know that you're innocent would turn on you." I bitterly chuckled, fuck you, society. Fuck you.

"That's not true."

"And how are you so sure of that?" I snapped.

"Because I'll stay with you. Through thick and thin, I'll be with you. I'll walk through hell right by your side, (Y/n)."

"You really think that's enough to convince me?" Why did I say that? Why the hell am I saying that? "What you're doing is stupid. Why sacrifice your well-being to aid mine? You get nothing out of this. Everyone will hate you just as much as they do me. Chisaki Kai, stay away from me before I end up ruining the foundation you've built your life upon. Turn around before you regret it."

"(Y/n)...you really the most stupidly oblivious girl I know..." Kai sighed. "What I'm doing for you is exactly what you've done for me. You risked your reputation to take in a villain such as myself. You gave me a chance, and that chance was only given to me when you gambled your own."

"What about it?" Words left my lips before I could even make sense of them. What am I doing? Why am I saying these things? Why won't I shut up?

"What about it? Is that all I get? Why can't you just accept that there are people who'd go through the same lengths you'd take just for them?!"

"Because I'm a monster, Kai! You keep on saying that your sins are worse than mine, but are they really? I only saw a glimpse of myself killing my own brother. Who knows what other atrocities I've committed in that psychopathic state of mine?! Why the fuck would anyone want to be friends with a monster like me, huh?!" I silently screamed, somehow still keeping my voice down; I didn't want any possible listening ears to hear our heated argument.

"It's because people do insanely stupid things for love," he growled.

What? Did I...hear that correctly? "W-What?"

The door slammed open, revealing the concerned faces of my teammates. I wiped away my tears. I stared at them, not having the energy to fake a smile or even remotely act alright. I simply greeted them with a blank stare and a wave.

1,454 words

Status: Edited

Discord: #4019

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