{9} Scalpel

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(Y/n)'s POV

I drowsily walked through the hallway, yesterday night had been quite a tiresome night. I had to attend a meeting with the heroes to form a strategic plan to incapacitate Shigaraki once he makes his appearance here. I started to rub the back of my neck, it ached badly.

I had tripped on the stairs to the dorms, causing me to fall backwards. Although I thoroughly healed the wound, I could still feel an itchy sensation on it. When I had opened the classroom door, I was met with the students of class 1-4. I quickly introduced myself and started to teach. I hate to admit it, but classes with 1-1 were way more lively and fun.

"(Y/n)-san, would you like to have lunch with us today?" Tadashi shyly asked.

"Only if Tsukki is okay with it," I looked at the ash blond hoping for an answer, he nodded his head.

"Let's get going then!"

Mini timeskip~

"You're really good at everything. Is there something you aren't good at?" Tadashi held nothing but admiration for me.

"I'm not that well versed in languages. I could only speak Japanese, English, Chinese, French and Korean," I muttered sadly, I wish I could speak Javanese, it was an interesting language.

"Eh...?" Tsukki and Tadashi were confused; to them, I was an over-achiever.

"I've been meaning to ask for quite a while, Tsukki. Why do you play volleyball? I-I don't mean it in a mean way or anything, I'm just curious since you don't really give it your all. I always here you saying 'it's just a club after all'," I pointed out, he stiffened at this.

"It's none of your business," he instantly went on the defensive.

"I-I think (Y/n) is right! It is our business. Y-You're our friend!" Tadashi joined in, he felt quite bold at the moment.

"Shut up Yamaguchi. Don't join in just because shortcake over here spoke up. You'll end up jumping off a cliff because she did it next," Tsukishima harshly glared at his friend.

Tadashi looked really hurt, "p-please excuse me."

I gaped at him, "Tsukishima Kei, that is no way to treat your friend! He was only trying to help you! Apologize immediately!"

"What are you, my mother?" Tsukishima snapped.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look me in the eye, "I may not be your mother, but I am talking to you as a friend. Do you think it's nice to get shouted at only for trying to help someone?"

The ash blond's lips pursed at this, he looked away. Tsukishima was surprised with my stern side, he expected me to be the the innocent soft type with no backbone. "Yeah, it doesn't feel great, does it?" I added in.

"Why do you even care?" He shot back.

"Because I'm your friend, and it's also unfair to those who are in the team. They're giving it their all, whether their going to pursue volleyball as a profession or not. Look, I don't know what happened to you to make you resent volleyball, but I can only guess. Maybe someone in your life cared for volleyball, but they didn't make it to the main team?" I speculated.

Tsukishima's eyes widened, so I'm right. "Will dropping out of the club make you happy?"

"No, it wouldn't. I know deep down, you have the capability to care for and give volleyball your all. I'm going to help you find your passion for this sport, and if I fail...then I guess that makes me a huge clown. You accept my bet?" I stuck out my hand, waiting for Tsukishima to shake it.

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