{29} Rivanol

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(Y/n)'s POV

It had been a month since the Shigaraki incident and the broadcast, and a month of constant hard work for us heroes. The villains would persistently launch attacks in confusing patterns; each attack had no clear goal or motive, at least that was what I thought up until now.

"(Y- (Y/n), are you here?" Tamaki called for me.

"Yeah, what's up Tamaki?" I looked away from the map I held in my hands; I was marking new patrol routes.

"I- I think Mirio and I have found patterns i- in the v- villains attacks," he shyly bowed his head, cheeks reddening in embarrassment.

"Really? That's great!" I beamed at him. "So, what is it?"

"It would be better if Mirio explained."

"Ah, okay." I arched my beck, raising my hands as I did so to stretch; I had been sitting in the same position for hours. "Please lead the way."

Mindlessly, I followed Tamaki. Lately, I found it hard to pay attention to my surroundings due to my never ending worries and work. My mind was too set on creating an ideal future to think about the present, which had its pros and cons.

I was snapped out of my dazed state when I crashed into the shy third-year, "I'm extremely sorry Tamaki! I should have been more focused."

"That's how you've been for the past month..." he muttered.

Thanks to my enhanced hearing, I was able to pick up what he said, "Huh?"

"Nevermind what I s- said. Y- You still have to talk t- to Mirio." Before I could question him further, Tamaki had already walked away.

I knocked on the door, "Mirio?"

"Come in!" His ever so cheery voice responded.

I stepped inside the room. Once I stepped in, I saw that Mirio's room was in a cluttered mess. Like me, he's been burdened with a lot of work now that he got his quirk back. Thinking of that now, I haven't had the chance to talk to Mirio or Tamaki; we've all been too preoccupied with work to have any fun.

"Hey," I greeted. "So, what do you have to tell me?"

"Down to business like always," he chuckled. "Before any of this happened, you were a Shiratorizawa student and the manager of a volleyball club, right?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with this?" I tilted my head to the side questioningly, I was beyond confused.

"Well, the places the villains attacked were all close to the areas you've been to. Like right over here over in the Hyogo Prefecture, the Miyagi Prefecture, Tokyo, the attacks are all in places you've been to."

"They're... targeting my friends?" The light atmosphere in the room quickly faded, turning into something much darker, much more menacing, even Mirio was uneasy, but it didn't compare to the sheer discomfort he felt when I instantly brightened up. "If you'll excuse me, I'll have to rearrange the patrol routes."

"Wait, (Y/n)!" Mirio called, his hand instinctively grabbing my wrist.

"What is it, Mirio?"

"I need to talk to you. Could you please at least spare me some time? We haven't talked to each other in a month or so," he pleaded.

"Sure," he was surprised at how easily I agreed. "But I can only be here for about ten minutes. I have to check on the ERT's report when they return." ERT was the shortened version of 'Eri Rescue Team'.

"Both Tamaki, Nejire and I have been extremely worried for you. We want to know how you're doing. We care for you, (Y/n)– I care for you. We'd like to know how you've been doing. Are you okay?" Mirio's blue eyes were filled with worry.

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