{24} Herbs

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(Y/n)'s POV

"The reason why I passed out was because I pushed myself too hard. I'm sorry for worrying all of you," I earnestly apologized.

"Everyone out there was really worried about you. We were worried about you. I was worried for you." Semisemi scolded.

"We have told you several times to take care of yourself, (Y/n), and yet you still work yourself this much? What do you even do? Even Ushijima and Tendou, who are third-years and volleyball players, aren't as tired as you are." Kenji's voice was demanding.

"Shirabu, that was too harsh," Tenten reprimanded. "But yes, I'm also wondering the same thing. You're a lot smarter than Ushiwaka and I, meaning that homework isn't as taxing for you as it is for us."

"Is it alright if you ask (Y/n) questions later? She is still recovering." Kai requested; even if he sounded nonchalant, the boys knew he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.

I looked at the male, the worried chatters of my friends were drowned out. All I could hear was him. People do stupid things for love. His words echoed in my mind again and again, repeating like a broken record.

"Of course," Toshi placed a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. "We will return later with dinner. I assume you're hungry?"

"That would be nice."

The first-years argued, mainly Tsutomu. They wanted to stay behind, but they were quickly ushered out by the third and second-years. I was grateful they were understanding. I didn't have the ability to deal with them.

Just as my shoulders sagged, the doors opened to reveal Fukurodani's ace, "(N/n)!"

"Ah, Kou," I lamely greeted, trying my best to straighten my back.

"Are you alright?! I was so worried for you!"

"I'm not completely well, but I'm better. Thank you for worrying about me, Kou, I appreciate it," I weakly smiled. "I think you should go back to your team."

Not too far away, a certain black-haired setter wandered around the gym, searching for said ace. He brightened once he spotted Kou in the infirmary. When he had stepped in, he politely bowed, wishing me well.

"I hope that you will have a speedy recovery, (L/n)-san." Akaashi softly said. "I am sorry if Bokuto-san has caused any inconveniences."

"Don't worry about him, he only checked up on me. I'm grateful he did."

"If you say so..." he turned to face Kou, "The coach wants to have a word with you."

"Aw, really?" Kou pouted, "I'll come back some time to check up on you, (N/n)!"

As soon as the two males left the room, I leaned back in bed, burrowing myself in the comforting blankets. At least they provided me with warmth, no matter how thin they were. Again, I found myself staring at Kai, who silently sat beside me.

People do crazy things for love. Those words repeated again in my mind. Does he...love me? Platonically? Romantically? It has to be the former, right? There's no way someone would have feelings for myself.

He turned to face me, noticing my curious yet terrified stare. Yes, I was terrified, terrified for Kai. If he truly does love me, what lengths would he go through for me? Is he...Is he going to ruin himself for me? Just like Dekiai?

I didn't want that to happen, no, I couldn't let that happen. My heartrate picked up, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I could already imagine Kai, covered in dried blood and grime, a gaping black hole located right where his heart was stared right back at me. Although dead, his eyes were still frighteningly alive, blaming me for his downfall. 'It's your fault I'm dead' they screeched.

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