{10} Mask

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PS: 1,400+ hearts? Y'alls...thank you for all the love :') *inserts dramatic sniffle*

PSS: If you wanna chat with me on discord, here's my account :D (Handicapable Gourd #4019)

PSSS: there are some quotev exclusive chapters, just like the previous special that I had just released. Be sure to check out my quotev account :)

(Y/n)'s POV

I rubbed my eyes wearily, it was 7:00am in the morning. I started to tidy the room and myself up since the boys were coming over for the study session. I made sure to place some extra stationaries I had on the table and some of the school textbooks in case anyone forgot theirs.

My phone started to ring. Who is it this time? My grin widened, I had been asked to join a group call. I immediately picked up. I was completely elated to see Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki. I realized that Eri was in Mirio's arms. I could only melt at the little girl's cuteness.

"Hey guys!" I greeted; everyone said their respective hellos.

"How's my baby, Eri, been doing recently?" I asked Mirio.

"She's been doing well! She learned how to write, right Eri?" I laughed at how cute Mirio looked with Eri, he looked like a caring father.

"Yes, yes! I even wrote Deku a letter to thank him!" Eri proudly exclaimed.

"H-How a-about y-you (Y-Y/n)?" Tamaki timidly stuttered out a question.

I internally squealed at his cuteness, "I've been doing well Tamaki, what about you?"

"I-I've seen be-better days..." he answered.

"Eh? What's wrong?" I was immediately concerned.

"Don't worry (Y/n), he's doing good. He's just too shy to admit that he misses you," Nejire brightly smiled. "Did you make any new friends there? I wanna meet them! I want to make sure my sister's friends are all well-mannered and nice!"

Ever since I had met Nejire, which was three years ago, she had been adamant in me being her sister. At first, I had trouble accepting the fact since it brought me memories about my brother, but I had learned to accept it. Every weekend, Nejire invited me to do 'sister' things.

"They're all nice, you don't have to get mad at any of them," I reassured. "Has Eri made any new friends?"

"I have! I met with Todo, Kacchan, Tamaki and Big Sis Nejire, they're really nice!" It truly was a blessing to me to see the girl smile; her smile is worth more than the millions of stars that littered the sky.

"Aww, have you met the rest of Class 1-A yet?"

"No...but I wanna meet your friends Big Sis (N/n)."

The sound of a knock cut me from replying. I excused myself and bid farewell to the four. I opened the door to see Toshi and Tenten; I didn't expect them to arrive this early, but I was happy nonetheless. I let them in and questioned them what they needed help with.

Toshi needed help with physics while Tenten, surprisingly, was only there to tag along. The red-head was certain he was going to pass. I started to go over the materials Toshi was struggling with and turns out, the olive-haired male had no clue about anything.

"Toshi...do you listen in class?" I didn't peg him for the type to ignore the teacher.

"I try my best, but I fail to understand the materials we are taught in class," he admitted. "Will it take too long to study everything from the beginning? If so, I wouldn't want to waste your time."

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