{32} Anesthesia

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(Y/n)'s POV

Should I tell them that I'm there? I can't risk them exposing any information about me though, and it's likely that the villains would target them due to their knowledge... but it's also mean that I'm keeping them in the dark. What should I do?

My train of thought was put to an abrupt halt by my ringing phone, "Hello?"

"(Y/n)," it was Kai, he sounded extremely perplexed and hesitant. "There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it? Is it about Eri? Did you find anything?" I questioned eagerly, please let this be good news...

"The villains are willing to negotiate. They will give us Eri back on the condition that we reveal our identities and how many heroes there are." Kai muttered.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I clenched my jaws, gaze hardening before I heaved a huge sigh. "Other than that, are there any demands?"

"I understand that you're angry, (Y/n), but please hear me out. They want us to reveal ourselves first, and then they'll give Eri back to us. However, before the negotiation happens, they would like to meet us in person for confirmation. They are willing to meet in Tokyo. The main members of the League of Villains will come, not clones to 'earn our trust'. Assuming that we agree, they would like for us to reveal ourselves, and then they will give Eri to us in the same location." He explained.

"This deal... is not beneficial to us. Not at all," I concluded. "All for One could have stole Eri's quirk already, so she'll be quirkless once we receive her. Not only that, but they're villains. I highly doubt they'll stick to their word, and this– this is most likely just a trap. At the confirmation, we will continue with our end game plan."

"But if you do that, Eri will die."

"No, she won't. They aren't stupid enough to bring Eri to the confirmation," I paused. "Actually, no, scratch that. I wasn't thinking clearly, I'm sorry. We should agree to their stupid little deal, trap or not. After we reveal our identities, they will definitely bring Eri. At the hand off, they will use her as a bargaining chip and ask for something larger in return."

"And what is that?" He murmured, voice low.

"They'll ask for me," I somberly stated. "If my biological parents are there, they will most definitely try and use their quirk on me so that I'd be under their control, but it's been years since then. I highly doubt their dubious quirks will work on me. After all, mine is just a slightly more advanced version of theirs. On the contrary, if I do lose control, I believe you will be able to stop me. Kill me if necessary, Kai."

"I can't do that. I won't," he growled. "There must be another way."

"Yes, there are, but all end up in Eri dying. I'd be willing to trade my life for hers, because as I see it, she'll live a far brighter and better life than I ever did. She isn't a killer like me. Like it or not, this is our best shot. When will the confirmation be? I'll come."


"Excuse me?"

"I'm not telling you where the confirmation will be nor the exchange. You're not dying."

"Kai, do you understand how selfish you're being? Hundreds of people will die! This plan is our best shot, and it's only casualty being me and a handful of unlucky civilians. That's all! Would you rather Eri die and thousands of others or only me?"

"Shut up. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you being as selfish as you are! You go around throwing your life away without thinking how your friends, family and loved ones will feel!" He shouted. "And Eri will not die. Have faith in your friends for once."

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