{27} Amputation

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3rd POV

In the outskirts of Miyagi, a horrible disaster has occurred. The names of the prime suspects have not been discovered and officials have yet to speak about the unnatural uncanny abilities these suspects have.

In the evening, about 17:35, a man shown to be dressed in a black hoodie, jeans and a peculiar hand-like mask appeared in the cross section just right outside Miyagi. With one lift of a hand, entire streets and buildings disintegrated. At the time, bystanders could hardly believe what they saw. After all, whatever had just taken place only happened in movies, right?

Much to their horror, this was not just a dream nor was it a prank. It was real. The suspect continued to rage, destroying nearby buildings. About 63 lives were lost, and 198 critically injured.

The masked suspect was, however, put into an abrupt stop by the now famed hero. The hero's identity has yet to be discovered, but they were seen adorning a Shiratorizawa jacket, earning the name, Shiratorizawa-san.

On the TV located behind the brodcastor, a video begun to play. 

In this video, Shiratorizawa-san is seen to have dealt with the culprits easily. However, it is upsetting to see that they have killed the culprits, leaving the police empty handed with no one to interrogate.

As the Japanese Police Force stormed the area to detain Shiratorizawa-san for questions, a winged accomplice quite literally swooped in and left with Shiratorizawa-san in their arms. The winged person has been said to have a pair of massive red wings and unruly ash blond hair. Their current location is unknown, but the Officials are working hard to uncover where they are currently.

We hope they find them soon because we, as citizens of Japan, need answers. What happened that day? Is there a society of superpowered persons coexisting with us in secret? Just who is Shiratorizawa-san?

That is all the information we have currently. Thank you for tuning in with Japan News Today.


Special Segment: Media Chatters

Tin Foil Hat: Hey, don't you think it's kinda weird? @ (N/n)Penguin's Ethereal album...

   1k likes    943 comments

(N/n)Fan: Now that you mention it, yeah

   (N/n)Fan: It has something to do with superpowers, heroes and villains

   Degenerate: Not to mention

   Degenerate: Both Chisaki and (Y/n) look so fucking hot-

[click to show more]

Mocha Green Tea: Most of her art pieces also involve people with superpowers. He has red wings and ash blond hair. Hawks kinda meets the description of the winged person that helped Shiratorizawa-san. Here's the picture for reference: [image]. It also doesn't help that (Y/n) does attend Shiratorizawa.

   Bubba Tea: That's... That's frighteningly believable

   Tin Foil Hat: You're right!

   Tin Foil Hat: Could that mean that the people (Y/n) drew are all real and have superpowers?

[click to show more]

5K3P71C: Yeah, no. Impossible. Humans with superpowers? If there was such a thing, we would have found out about superpowers sooner.

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