{3} Pills

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(Y/n)'s POV

It's been a week since I volunteered to be Shiratorizawa's volleyball club manager, everything was going smoothly. Right now, I was having lunch with Tenten, Toshi, Kenji, Semisemi and Tsutomu; it was exciting. I wonder if I'll get a call from Keigo, I haven't talked to him for a while.

As if Keigo read my thoughts, my phone had started to ring. When I had looked at the caller ID, I was elated, it was Keigo, the chicken wing loving hero! I was quick to answer the call, everyone silencing themselves as they noticed this, they were all curious as to who else other then themselves had my number.

"Hey Keigo, how've you been doing? You ghosted me for a week, is there anything wrong?" I fussed while the volleyball team sent looks at each other, wondering who the hell this 'Keigo' person is.

"What can I say? I've been very busy at work lately, there's nothing I can do. What about you? How's my baby angel doing, hm?" Keigo was still as smooth as ever, nothing was surprising about that.

"I'm doing fine, but I'm a bit tired though," A cute yawn escaped my lips, "And the work load isn't helping."

"As much as I wish I could hug you, I can't. I guess digital hugs would do."

"Your digital hugs are appreciated, I shall return them with an interest of 50%," I warmly smiled.

The Shiratorizawa boys are simps, and that was a fact. Tendou was bold enough to take a picture of the ever so cute and adorable sleepy (Y/n) on the phone with a questionable stranger. The redette later on sent the picture in a group chat. What was the group chat called, you may ask? It was glamorously dubbed as: (Y/n)'s no.1 Simps. Ushijima didn't even know what it meant, but he was sure he too, was a simp for the (h/c)ette.

"Aww, thanks baby angel; you're still as sweet as ever. Did ya' miss me that much?" Keigo asked.

"Of course I did miss you a lot! You're the only one that hasn't contacted me. Even Tamaki, Nejire and Mirio had time to call me and they're UA third years!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry; it's my fault. I'll call you more often now, how's that baby angel?" Keigo asked.

"That would definitely be great, we could discuss what chicken wing flavors are the best and rank them. Oh, and what flavors we should make!" I excitably said, almost bouncing out of my seat.

The Shiratorizawa boys were simping. Tenten was gushing about how cute I was which made me really happy. Toshi was contemplating whether or not he should buy me chicken wings. Tsutomu, the sweet baby, was dead set on trying to cook me homemade chicken wings. Semisemi had his thick ass wallet out while poor Shirabu, he...didn't know what to do; but he intended on helping one of the boys.

"Seems good to me, anyways, I have to go. I got teamed up with Overhaul, dude's waiting for me outside." Keigo informed.

"Oh, you got teamed up with Kai? Tell him I said hello, okay? I wish you two the best of luck!"

"Yeah, thanks (Y/n). You have a great day too, okay?" Keigo hanged up.

Tenten looked at me curiously, "Say, (Y/n), who's this Keigo person?"

"Oh, so you heard my conversation with him? Keigo is my childhood friend even if he's a few years older then me." I explained, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.

"You have a lot of friends, (Y/n). You're always on the phone on breaks or after school," Tsutomu commented.

"Yes, that is true." Ushijima joined in, nodding his head.

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