{5} Eye Drops

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PS: Hey everyone! About the book that got the most votes, Symbiote won! I'm sorry to those who picked the other stories (but if you all do end up liking one of them a lot, I'll make a short 10-20 paged one-shot...maybe).

(Y/n)'s POV

The door opened to reveal a man with glasses, "You must be the intern! Please come in! I'm Takeda Ittetsu, it is a pleasure to meet you (L/n)-san!"

"It's nice to meet you too Takeda-sensei!" I greeted back warmly.

I followed Takeda-sensei into the inn, I was pretty sure he was going to introduce me to the volleyball team members. I looked at Takeda-sensei, I loved the energy he radiated. The man definitely passed my vibe check. Without even using my quirk, I knew Takeda-sensei is the type of person who would help you no matter what. It doesn't matter if it was sunny or rainy outside, winter or summer; he was just like Izuku-bean.

The brunette entered the boys' sleeping area, "Sorry for interrupting you boys so late at night, but our intern has arrived!"

I stepped into the room to introduce myself, "Hello everyone! My name is (L/n) Tenshi (Y/n), but feel free to call me (Y/n) or (N/n). If you're wondering who I am, I'm going to be a temporary manager for you all! I hope you would take care of me!"

The two Karasuno second-year simps were doing what they did best, simping. They thanked whatever supreme being that was out there for blessing them with the presence of an angel. Everyone else in Karasuno's team were feeling relatively happy, since I seemed like a nice person to them.

Shoyo was the first to break out of his trance and greet me, "(Y/n), I didn't know you were going to be our temporary manager! Why didn't you tell me?"

I chuckled at the orange-haired boys excitable personality, "I didn't tell you because it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I did!"

From then on, each of the Karasuno boys had managed to gain the courage to introduce themselves to me. I had to admit, the Karasuno volleyball team was filled with very unique characters. I spent a while chatting with them and I tried my beset to memorize their names...but it really didn't go as planned. I ended up giving each one of them a nickname.

"I'll have to unpack and shower for now, I will see you boys in the morning. Oh, and Yuu-senpai, I'm definitely looking forward to your performance tomorrow. From what everyone else has told me, you're one amazing libero!" A person that I had formed an instant connection with was Nishinoya Yuu, he was really kind, cool and an overall amazing person.

"Bye (Y/n)!" The boys said in tandem when I left the room.

Once I had arrived at the girl's quarters, they were empty. From what Takeda-sensei told me, Karasuno's current manager decided to stay in her own home instead of the inn. I knew I was going to be lonely, but it couldn't be helped. I shrugged, it's a win-win too for me I guess. I could call my friends without anyone questioning me who they are.

Just then, my phone had started to ring, "Moshi moshi?"

"Hey (Y/n)," the lazy voice of Hitoshi Shinso resounded from the phone.

"Oh, Hito! I want to see my little girl!" I asked.

When Hito and I were on our way to a cat cafe, we ended up finding an abandoned, sick kitten on the way. Without much hesitation, I had adopted the cat and dubbed Hito as the kitten's father while I, the mother. From then on, we would take turns in taking care of the cat.

"Pocky is misbehaving a lot, she misses her mother," Hito informed, it surprised me that Pocky was misbehaving, she's a really well behaved cat.

"Pocky? Misbehaving?" I wanted clarification.

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