{17} Supplements

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(Y/n)'s POV

I felt a lot better after sleeping through the bus ride. We now stood in front of a hotel, checking into our rooms. Since I was the only female in the group, I had gotten my own room. It was relieving for me since I could move around freely without causing any suspicion. Just as I thought my luck couldn't get any better, my room was placed in the edge of the floor. I didn't have to worry about anyone going up and down the halls.

Even if I my room was located in the edge of the floor, I would still have to worry about whoever was sleeping in the room beside me. After I had asked around, the pair that was placed beside me was Tenten and Toshi. My eyes hovered over the redette, stealing a glance. I knew he was suspicious of me.

With everyone busy moving into their rooms, I decided it wouldn't be wise to sneak out and place the cameras. I let out a tired yawn, lifting my arms along with the duffel bag that was twice my size. I shuffled drowsily towards my room, which looked quite expensive. How much money does Shiratorizawa spend on their clubs? It must be a lot...

"Yes?" I called, hearing the sound of a person knocking on my door.

"It's me," Tenten stepped into the room. "You need any help?"

"No, I'm doing fine," I rejected his offer.

I patiently stared at the redette, waiting for him to tell me why he was here. He shifted awkwardly, not expecting such a short answer from me. I continued to stare at him, discreetly hiding the black box, slipping it into my pocket for safe keeping. If someone found out about the contents of the box, the whole mission would most definitely be screwed.

"So...." he drawled. "I have a question for you."

"Go on."

"(Y/n)....are you a part of the Yakuza?" I honestly thought Tenten was joking, but telling by the look on his face, he wasn't.

"Um...no?" I sounded too confused for me to be faking it. "Where did you get that from?"

"Your lack of background, medical expertise and fighting skills," he explained.

I hate lying to my friends, but I have to. I'm sorry. I promise it's for your sake. "Oh....that. I'm under some sort of witness protection program. Some dangerous guys are after me. I learned how to fight to defend myself. Since I...I don't like seeing anyone hurt, I honed my skills so that I could become a great doctor one day. None of my patients will die under my care, I won't let that happen!" What I said to him was a partial truth.

He looked taken aback, "I'm sorry for assuming. I just..."

"It's alright, Tenten, but don't go snooping around, okay?" Yes, I knew what he did yesterday.

Even if I was asleep, I was high on guard. Through years of training, I was able to activate my quirk whilst sleeping to keep tabs on my surrounding. Although its powers were weaker than when activated when I was awake, it was still useful. I was able to gauge what people around me were thinking and their intentions within a hundred meter radius.

Tenten was embarrassed, he had been caught red-handed, "Ah, that. I'm sorry."

I didn't know why I said what I did, but maybe it was because I was enjoying the thrill of the chase a lot more than I should, "Keep in mind that no smart member of the Yakuza would openly admit that they are apart of the Yakuza. Listen to what I say, but take it with a grain of salt. If it does help you, just know that I'm not here to hurt anyone."

Tenten figured he looked like a gaping idiot standing at the door, so he quickly stepped inside my room and closed the door. He's got more questions to ask? I walked towards my bed, taking a seat. I patted on the empty space beside me, gesturing for him to get comfortable. This was probably going to be a long talk, so why not get comfy?

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