{26} Sunblock

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(Y/n)'s POV

I happily smiled. Shiratorizawa had won the game. I was unallowed to leave the clinic because of my state, so I could only wait for the boys to come. That reminds me, aren't I releasing the Ethereal album today? Huh, but I can't do the planned life stream since I'm sick. I guess Kai will do it.

"(Y/n)! We won the nationals!" Tsutomu bursted through the doors, a dorkish grin spread across his lips.

"I know. Congrats for all your hard work and efforts you guys," I beamed right back at them.

"Let's celebrate!" Tenten suggested.

"Hm, maybe later on the bus? I'm not allowed to leave the clinic room unless we're certain that I'm headed to the bus home. Doctor's orders, so I can't do anything much against it," I explained.

"Would you like me to carry you to the bus?" Toshi asked.

"Oh, you don't have to. You're tired from your games, and no offense, but you're sweaty! Also, Kai is going to carry me. He should be back anytime soon..."

As I said those words, the said male walked right through the clinic doors. Respectfully, everyone greeted him. He did the same as he gave the boys a short bow. The boys moved aside to let the male through. Curse him for being so capable! The Shiratorizawa boys thought.

"Say, (Y/n), you look perfectly fine to me. Why don't you walk yourself?" Semisemi questioned.

"I only look better because my fever has gone down, but my hands and legs? They're still pretty sore. If I try standing up now, I'll most likely trip, fall and die," I explained.

"Oh, well why not get a wheelchair?"

"Oh yeah! You're right! Well, it's too late now to get one anyways. I'm just going to be in the bus. While I'm gone, you all should also start to pack your things since we're going back to Miyagi."

Mini timeskip~

I thanked Kai when he plopped me onto the bus' backseat and wrapped a travel blanket around me. He was unable to join the bus ride since he had rented a car for himself, and he needed to return it, so he was entrusting Toshi to take care of me as he was the most responsible third-year, at least in Kai's opinion.

"And remember, don't try to stand up when the bus is moving. You'll hurt yourself," he reminded.

"Yes, yes, you've said that to me multiple times Kai. I'm sure I'll live," I grinned.

"Barely living and being in tip top condition are two very different things. I forgot to mention, but the Miya twins told me to give this to you. They didn't have time to visit you since they had to leave a lot earlier than us." He handed me a neatly wrapped onigiri. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to take my leave."

As he turned around to walk away, I grabbed his hand in mine, "Thank you, Kai, for going through all this trouble. Thanks for taking care of me and making sure that I'm alright. Without you, I think I'd be dead in a dark alleyway."

"You don't have to mention it."

When Kai stepped foot outside of the bus, the Shiratorizawa students stepped into the bus. Everyone steered clear of the backseat, knowing that I needed to lay down in order to rest. When Coach Washijo had made sure everyone was present, a job that I was supposed to do, the bus' engines roared to life, signifying the start of our journey to Miyagi.

My stomach grumbled in protest. I opened the neatly wrapped onigiri and took a bite. It tastes so good! I took another bite, and another, until the onigiri had completely vanished, now sitting comfortably in the pit of my stomach, waiting to be digested.

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