{4} Vitamins

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(Y/n)'s POV

I read the letter to myself, "Students with scholarships must go on an internship."

I slouched, where am I going to go? Oh, maybe I could go to Karasuno, I might bump into Shoyo! I looked through the list of school that were accepting interns, I grinned happily when I saw Karasuno's name on the list, this is perfect! I scribbled down my name and signed the papers.

Mini timeskip~

I was skipping down the hallway while Kenji and Semisemi were walking right beside me, they're like trees! Whenever they take a step, that's like two to three steps for me! I then started to whistle a tune, it was my favorite song! Both boys that walked beside me looked at me, confused.

"You seem very happy today, what's the reason?" Semisemi asked.

"I'm going to go on a short three to four day internship!" I happily announced.

The boys froze on spot, their previous expressions were replaced by a look of horror, "What did you say?" Kenji asked.

"I'm going on an internship that'll last for three to four days, it's a must for us students with scholarships. Though, the requirements were oddly specific..." My voice trailed off as I remembered the requirements.

"Oh? What are they?" Semisemi inquired.

"I needed to be a good club manager, specifically a good volleyball club manager. Luckily for me, I am, right?" I turned to face the boys with a lopsided closed eyed smile.

They died then and there from my pure cutesy energy, "A-Ah, yes, you are a good manager," both of them said at the same time, a cupid's arrow piercing their hearts.

"Yay, I'm glad the two of you think I'm a good manager! Anyhow, I'll have to leave you guys here, I've got an english class to attend," I waved at them, entering a classroom with the label 3-6 (English).

Semi's POV (Almost wrote this as Semisemi :'D)

This is bad, this is bad. This is really, really bad. (Y/n) is most likely going to be the manager of a volleyball club at her internship. I forced myself to stop panicking. Once I did so, a good idea came to mind, students who have entered with sports scholarships can also join internships.

I slipped out my phone, opening the group chat that was so fabulously called '(Y/n)'s Simps'. I knew what a simp was, and I hated to admit, but I was one at heart. Even if I was one, I still detested the name of the group chat. It was all Tendou's fault, he even got Ushijima-san to approve of the group chat name.

[Semi is now online]


Everyone, we have a problem.

(Y/n) is going on an internship alone.

She will most likely be the manager of a boys volleyball team; what should we do?

[Ushijima is now online]

[Tendou is now online]

[Shirabu is now online]

[Goshiki is now online]



Our baby penguin is leaving us?


hOw cOuLd shE?

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