{14} Ibuprofen

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PSS: Early update!

PSSS: I forgot to mention but both Keigo and (Y/n) share their spot as number two because the citizens liked them equally and their both really good at their jobs.

Tendo's POV

The moment we arrived at the dorms, everyone headed for their rooms; I did the same. After grueling minutes of lying in bed wide awake, I realized I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I let out a huff before standing up, let's see what the kitchen has to offer. Across the kitchen was the girls' dorms. I noticed a sliver of light slip through the small crack beneath (Y/n)'s door.

She's still awake? Instead of looking for snacks like I had originally planned, I chose to pay (Y/n) a visit. When I had knocked on (Y/n)'s door, there was no reply. Did she fall asleep with the lights on? Yes, that's a possibility. I turned around, there was no point waking her, it was obvious she needed to sleep. The eye bags beneath (Y/n)'s eyes were noticed by everyone.

I immediately froze, the sound of a small 'click' sounded from behind the door. The sliver of light that shone from under the door was no longer there. Then, the door had been opened revealing a well-dressed (Y/n). Why is she well-dressed at a time like this? Is she seeing someone? A Yakuza accomplice perhaps?

"Tenten, what are you awake at this hour? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" She asked, sounding very surprised.

"I could ask you the same thing," I slyly replied.

(Y/n) chuckled, "As sly as ever, but if you want my honest answer, I'm going out to see a friend."

"At this time? Doesn't this friend of yours know that you need sleep? You are a student," I emphasized my last sentence, hoping to see if (Y/n) showed any signs of discomfort from it.

She merely smiled, "Yeah, he knows I'm a student, but he's also just as tired as I am. He's visiting me from a far place. He didn't plan to arrive in the middle of the night."

"Well, be sure to come back in one piece. I know you could handle yourself well, but don't get into trouble okay? Going out at night like this is dangerous," I warned.

Even if (Y/n) could defend herself, I couldn't help but worry. She was my friend, and I cared for her, Yakuza or not. The girl reassured me that she'd be fine before she took off. When she had left my line of sight, I had returned to my room. I no longer wanted to eat.

I took a seat on my bed and looked drearily at the ceiling. This friend of (Y/n)'s...it's a he. Could he be a secret boyfriend? No, if their relationship was a secret, she would have lied. A Yakuza member then? I mean, who else would (Y/n) meet in the middle of the night? Her friends from Karasuno and Seijoh? They're probably asleep.

I felt the sudden urge to follow the girl, so I slapped on a pair of pants and a shirt in exchange for my nightwear. I rushed down the dorm stairs. As I exited the dorm, I scanned the clearing for (Y/n), she was no where to be seen. I cursed myself for being too slow; this was such a great opportunity and I missed it.

I grumbled in annoyance. Next time, I won't be late.

(Y/n)'s POV

I walked through the park, a feeling of excitement bubbled within me. I hurriedly made my way towards the center of the park. There, I spotted an unsuspecting Kai. Me being the prank loving gremlin that I am silently tiptoed towards the poor man. Without any mercy whatsoever, I pounced on him.

"Guess who this is?" I asked; even if I knew Kai had already figured out who I was, it wouldn't hurt to play along.

"(Y/n)," he answered.

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