{15} Panadol

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(Y/n)'s POV

It only took a while for Kai and I to get settled in our new apartment. It wasn't big nor was it extravagant, but it wasn't small nor cramped; it was just the right size. I was glad I had chosen Kai to come over, he was one of the very few that had the ability to access restricted government files.

I knew making a plan for the villain invasion was important, but that wasn't the most pressing matter I had in mind. Today was the first day of the volleyball tournament, and my god was I worried. Yes, Shiratorizawa was the best school in the prefecture, but that didn't mean we had a 100% chance of winning.

Usually, the underdogs were the ones that overtook the champions as they were the ones who had a bigger drive and reason to win compared to someone who had already tasted victory. Much to my relief, we had easily won our matches. The days went by like a breeze. None of the teams we had went against was close to winning.

The boys had credited me for coming up with such amazing strategies, but I thought that the boys deserved the praise more than I did. Without them, we wouldn't have made it to the finals. Ah, the finals. We were going to go against Seijoh which honestly made me nervous.

This was one of Tooru's last chances of going to the nationals, and I know how badly he wants to go. Not only that, but the other third years such as Haji wanted to go. To them, this is one of the most important matches they were ever going to play. Knowing this, I felt torn.

Yes, I wanted to support my own team, but I also wanted Seijoh to win and go to the nationals. Tooru especially. He's been pushing himself beyond his limits. Even I had to threaten him to stop. If I didn't warn him to, he would have been knocked out due to exhaustion or stuck in a hospital for overworking his knee injury.

The Shiratorizawa boys gave me a concerned look. They all knew I was well acquainted with Tooru and Haji; this match was definitely going to be a struggle for me. They all sympathized with my situation, but that didn't mean they were going to give up, they were going to win.

I let out a surprised yelp when I felt a hand wrapped around my wrist. I turned around to see the blue-haired girl I had previously met before I had went to the internships. I tilted my head, waiting for her to speak. The girl averted her gaze and bit her inner cheek.

"Have a collaboration with me," she mumbled.

"Oh...I'm sorry I can't right now. I'm focussing on making my Ethereal album. Maybe later?" To be honest, I didn't want to have a collaboration with her, but I couldn't find it in myself to say no.

I knew she suppressed her own pride to ask this, but then again, I too understood that she was using me to get more views and likes. The girl's eyes narrowed, her grip around my wrist tightening. Her grip was uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt me at all.

The bluette leaned in, "Listen here you fucking bitch. What I'm saying is an order, and if you don't comply, I will fucking destroy you. Do you know who I am?"

I innocently smiled, "No, I don't know who you are."

"Where the fuck have you been living? Under a rock? I'm Tadokoro Akihiko," she growled.

I faked a look of shock, "You're Tadokoro Akihiko? Oh my god, I'm so scared!" I then ripped my arm away from her, my expression growing dark, "That doesn't mean shit to me."

I turned around, walking away. Tadokoro childishly stomped her foot, "You'll regret this, you bitch!"

I shook my head, she won't know what hit her. I hurriedly entered the gym, apologizing for being held back. Not long after, the start of the match against the two powerhouse schools had begun. The two teams exchanged 'pleasantries', then quickly returned to their side of the court.

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