{19} Rehabilitation

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PS: Honestly, this story has a very amazing plot planned out for it, but I don't think my writing can do it justice.

PSS: Keep in mind that all of the first-year BNHA boys excluding Midoriya have known (Y/n) for a bit less than a year. She met Midoriya early due to his ties to All Might.

Warning: Slight self-harm and mentions of unstable mental health. (I'm bad at warnings, sorry).

(Y/n)'s POV

I rushed back to the gymnasium, but I couldn't shake off the heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Who was watching me? They were obviously tailing me. It couldn't be one of the Shiratorizawa boys because they're back at the stadium preparing for their next match...

I grumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose. What should I do? Tooru already knows my secret, Tenten's onto me and I have a stalker? Everything is falling apart and it's all my fault for not being careful enough.

My phone began to ring, I picked it up, "Hello?"

"(Y/n)," it was Shoto.

"Hey," I greeted hurriedly.

"The villains have found a way to send clones to your universe. Apparently, since a clone isn't considered a 'real person', they are able to send multiple clones. They sent two clones of Dabi. You have to be careful, (Y/n), promise me you would." The dual-haired boy pleaded.

I bit my lip, "I don't think I can promise you that I'd be careful."

A pregnant silence ensued. I nervously shuffled my legs, eyes darting around restlessly. What was supposed to be a second felt like centuries. Did he drop his phone? Is he even on the other line?

"(Y/n), why didn't you tell me about your heritage?" I froze at Shoto's question.

I felt my body tremble, my eyes unfocused. Unknowingly, I had dropped my phone. I disregarded the fallen device as I continued to tremble. Cold sweat ran down my forehead, my clenched fists, clammy.

Hesitantly, I picked up my phone, "A-Ah, that. I...uh...never told you about it because no one asked."

I heard a disappointed sigh from the other end, causing my heart to sink. Does he think badly of me now? Does Shoto hate me? Does everyone else hate me now? I guess I deserve it. After all, I have their cursed blood running through my veins.

What Shoto said next caused me to break down in tears, "You disappoint me, (Y/n)."

"I-I'm sorry. I understand th-that you hate me now. I-" I was cut off.

"I don't hate you. I'm disappointed in you for not telling me. Do you trust me that little? 'Shoto, you aren't bound by your own blood. You're your own person, live your life however you see fit, don't let your lineage control you' was what you said to me," He answered, voice leaving no room for argument.

I bristled. "It's different. At least your father was a hero, not a fucking villain. Your father, however bad he may be, wasn't the person who destroyed a whole entire fucking country, promoted human trafficking and tortured people just for the hell of it! You don't have to live every day of your life fearing that your friends will hate you because of who your parents are. Don't act like you understand, because you don't! Don't you dare say you're disappointed in me!" I let out a choked sob. "You...You'll never understand."

"I worded that horribly, I'm so-"

"You have no right to say sorry! You should have thought it through, Shoto..." My throat was sore.

Why am I screaming? Why? I know he has good intentions. I swiftly wiped my tears away, taking a huge breath to clear my snot clogged nose. "I'm sorry, but I think I'll have to end the call here."

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