{30} Stretcher

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PS: I'm sorry if the timeline is messed up, at least I think it is? (I'm not too sure, but did the Tokyo training camp take place a month after Nationals?). Anyways, let's just continue.

(Y/n)'s POV

"I have to go to Tokyo. From what I've heard, most of my friends are gathered there." I announced. "Although, all members of the ERT have to stay behind. I believe that I would at least need two people for support. I would like to have Hawks and Ground Zero come with me. Is that possible? Or do they have other duties?"

"I think it would be unfair for Hawks to go. He's extremely efficient in patrolling and gathering information. He would be more useful gathering information and scouting rather than fighting in the front lines," Endeavor spoke up, that is true. I think my liking of him has clouded my judgment...

"How about Shinso?" Uncle Aizawa suggested.

Hitoshi? He's here? But I didn't see him in the meeting. Has he been avoiding me then? My eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a familiar tuft of purple hair. In the back of the meeting room stood Hitoshi, his expression indifferent.

"Having someone as inexperienced as him join a squad that will actively be under the chances of a fight isn't the best idea. His quirk is much more suited for gathering information, and his fighting style is similar to Earaserhead's; it's meant to quickly defeat one opponent, and I highly doubt that his quirk would work on Twice's clones, " Endeavor expressed his concerns; he's a good hero, but not a good father.

"No, you're right. I would like to have him on my team. His capture weapon would be handy. As for his lack of hero name, I will call him... Damasu. I need someone like Hitoshi in my team. His logical, rational nature will even out Katsuki's rash and aggressive nature." It's time you prove yourself, Hitoshi– that you could be an amazing hero despite what other people say about your quirk.

"Then it's decided. Ground Zero and Damasu will accompany you on your journey to Tokyo," Nezu happily clasped his paws, brightly smiling. "I wish you well on your journey."

"Thank you," I retreated to the back of the room, I was now standing beside Hitoshi.

I gave him a small wave. My attention was quickly stolen by Kai who was now the center of attention. He was the head of the ERT, and he was now presenting what he had learned so far about Eri's current location. Although we had come up with a battle plan for the Tokyo Battle, Eri's location was still pretty much unknown; we didn't even know if she was still alive or if her quirk was already stolen by All for One. Regardless, we'd still save the girl; she deserved the world after what she's been through.

As Kai continued to present the information he had accumulated through the ERT's expeditions, a feeling of pride bloomed within me. Kai was the head of the ERT; he said it was the least he could do for Eri after all he's done to her, and he wasn't all talk either.

He showed his hard work through his continuous efforts to recover more information about Eri and her current predicament, even going as far as pulling all nighters. Even if I do not condone his actions, I couldn't complain as I did the same.

"So, why did you stand up for me? It was obvious neither my fighting style nor my quirk is suited for the attack team," Hitoshi spoke up.

"Don't say that. I wouldn't jeopardize lives just because you're my friend. The villains are not familiar with your fighting style nor your quirk. We have the element of surprise. Not only that, but your Persona Code and binding cloth will be useful to apprehend villains without killing them." I answered, giving the purplette a closed eyed smile. "Hitoshi, this is your chance to show the world that quirks don't define who you are, rather your personality."

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