Chapter 7

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We were all awkwardly silent after what just happened, Jake cleared his throat making our attention turn towards him "I'm sorry you guys had to witness that" he said, we all nodded and continued eating

We heard the doorbell rang through the whole house "he's here" Jake said "who's here?" I asked confused "Jason" Jake said getting up "hopefully he could calm Nicole down" he sighed "we all know he will" Scott said following Jake out the kitchen with the whole gang

We saw Nikki against the wall with her legs wrapped around Jason waist, they were in heated make out session "I bet you 100 after this they're gonna go upstairs and fuck?" I heard Shane tell Stiles "I bet you 200 that they will fuck when they go upstairs and they'll fuck later tonight" Stiles told Shane "Deal" Shane said shaking hands, Ava smack both of their heads "pigs" she said, they both glared at her while rubbing where she smacked them

"NICOLE" Jake yelled making them stop and turn around

"Jason McCann" I whispered


In front of me stood Jason McCann, yes the criminal, we met a year ago at a party, my brother introduced us and we just clicked and no we are not dating, we are more like fuck buddies

"JASON" I yelled jumping on him wrapping my legs around him and crashing my lips onto his, he kissed back immediately, him holding me up from my butt. I moaned when I felt him squeeze my ass making me moan, he smirked, the kiss turned into a heated make out session, gently slamming me into the wall

In the middle of our intense make out session someone cleared their throat, ignoring them we continued "NICOLE" Jake yelled making Jason pull away and turn around "WHAT!?" I yelled looking at him and the rest of the gang who were behind him, I rolled my eyes and got off of Jason and crossed my arms with my hip out "quit being a bitch" Jake said making me look at him in shock, never I mean never has he called me something like that "wow" I said before turning around and walking out the house making sure to slam the door, I got in my car and drove away somewhere I haven't been in a while

I stopped at a flower shop and grabbed a bouquet of all shades of purple daisies and lilies and payed for them

When I got to the destination, I grabbed a hoodie that I had in the back seat and put it on since I only had a sports bra on and grabbing the flowers from the passenger seat and got out. I put the hood of my sweater on since it was windy, I checked and I had several messages from Ava, Jason, Scott, Colton, the guys and Jake asking where I was. I turned off my phone before Jake tracks my phone

I walked through the cemetery that was slightly empty, they were at least five people visiting their love ones. I finally found the gravestone where the person that meant the world to me, the one that I loved with all my heart was buried

"Hi mommy" I said through tears, I put here favorite flowers on the hole where you put the flowers and filled it up with water with water bottle I had brought from my car and sat down on the fresh cut grass

"I miss you" I sobbed "I miss the way you played with my hair, I miss the way you would always rub my tummy when I didn't feel good, I miss your hugs and kisses, I miss your cooking" I laughed "I miss you so much" I sobbed into my hands

I stayed for an hour and a half talking to my mom "I have to go but I promise I won't leave again, I promise I'll visit more often and I promise I'll listen to Jacob and go back to school even if it hurts, I'll go, graduate and get my diploma just like you wanted me too. I love you mommy" I said kissing her gravestone before walking back to the car

I didn't want to go back home anytime soon so I stopped by Starbucks and bought a iced hazelnut macchiato and a lemon pound cake. I went to the abandoned cliff that I found a year a ago after my parents death, I'll always go when I wanted to be in peace, calm myself down, or just wanted to be alone

I open the glove compartment and grabbed my note book and pencil where I write my thoughts or songs I've written and started writing a song about my feelings


"You really pushed it" Ava said running after Nikki "why would you call her a bitch!? You know how she feels about him! Then you call her a bitch for not wanting to go back to one place that brings back memories of him" Colton yelled at me

"Don't you think I know that!? Don't get involved in our business, I'm her brother not you!" I yelled back, he looked at me shocked "Maybe not by blood but I consider her as a little sister since we were kids!" He yelled "You were never there when she needed you the most, you weren't there when your parents got killed! You weren't there when she lost Isaac! Scott and I were there, so don't come at me with the 'I'm her brother not you' bullshit because we do a better job then you do" he yelled before running out the house "he's right about we were there and you weren't" Scott said, I looked at him then looked down feeling like an asshole

"Where are you going!?" Scott called running out the door "I'm gonna go look for her" Colton said getting inside his car along with Scott before driving away

"What was that all about?" Jason asked, I shook my head and walked to my office leaving the gang, I called her multiple of times but she wouldn't answer so I tried tracking her phone but I couldn't because she turned off her phone "Jesus Nicole" I mumbled putting my head in my hands

Hello beautiful people :)

I finally updated! I promise the next chapter will get better ;) and I'll be editing the cheaters and make them better

If you have any questions Comment and Vote!

Till next week

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