Chapter 9

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Austins POV

It was now 5 p.m and I just finished fucking Maddie, she's not part of the gang, she's just a good fuck

I was walking down the stairs to grab something to drink, when I heard people talking in the living room, I poked my head and saw Jason and Nicole, I was about to walk away when Jason started talking, curiosity took me over and stand by the door to enter the living room and eavesdroop
"how you been?" Jason asked

"Uh there been better days" Nicole said looking down, who's Isaac? Ever since the her argument with Jake, I've been confused

"hey, you'll get through it, you always do" He said, she's the most confusing person I've ever met

There's more to her story and I'm gonna find out, I was about to walk to the kitchen when Jake came out from the meeting and yelled

"MEETING NOW" he yelled as I followed him to the meeting room, everybody else filled in the meeting room as I sat down Maddie came in and sat down on my lap then came Jason, Nicole and her friend as Jake started talking

"Okay guys we have a mission today, Richard one of my costumers and his gang that hasn't been paying me back for months and has been hiding and one of my friend spotted him heading to a strip club and said he'll probably be there for hours so" he said turning to Nicole and Ava

"Who are they?" Maddie whispered in my ear, nodding towards Nicole and Ava

"That's Nicole Jakes sister and Ava her friend" I whispered back and turning my attention back to Jake

"Nicole and Ava I want you guys to go change to the sexist lingerie you have and just get yourselves look sexy" yes I thought, Nicole and Ava looked at him with a blank expression "so you want us to be strippers?" She asked sitting on Jason's lap as I rolled my eyes "yes, I need you and Ava to seduce him and bring him out to the back door and I'll be there waiting with Colton, Scott, Shane, Tyler and Damon. I want Jason, Austin, Alex, Robert and Zach to go inside with Nicole and Ava to keep an eye on them, understand?" Jake replied, we all nodded "okay, let's go Ava and make ourselves look like sluts"

"You guys look like it already" Maddie whispered a little to loud, making them both stop in their tracks and turn around

Let me tell you something about Maddie, she can be really judge mental, cocky and jealous person, she always wants attention on her

"Shut the fuck up Maddie, you don't know what you're getting yourself into" I warned Maddie, she just ignored me and continued

"Look at them, they barely wearing any clothes, I mean might as well go to the strip club like that, " she said gesturing to what they were wearing, spandex and sports bras, but may I say Nicole looked so sexy especially with her side tattoo and fit body, something Maddie doesn't have

Everybody stayed quiet and nervously looked at Nicole, while Nicole stood their looking at Maddie with a I- dare- you-to-continue look

"Has your mother ever teach you how to dress, if I was your mother I would be disgusted" Maddie didn't know when to shut the fuck up

I saw Nicole and Jake tensed up at the mention of their mom as everybody else looked at Maddie with wide eyed
"Maddie shut the fuck up will you" I yelled at her, but before she can respond I felt her get yanked off my lap and being dragged out the meeting room by Nicole

Shit. This isn't gonna end well.

Nicoles POV

Before Ava and I got out the meeting room I heard someone say "you guys look like it already" making Ava and I stop and turn around to find a fake tanned blonde girl sitting on that kid Austin's lap, I saw Ava tense up, she doesn't like being called a slut or anything, her mom died when she gave birth to her and she lived most of her life with her father. Ava always had a rough life, her father would always come home drunk call her a slut and abuse her. One night he came home and went to her room and raped her, Thank god that motherfucker is dead or I would've killed him myself.

She's been my best friend since kindergarten

Feeling everybody's eyes on me waiting for me to do something

I heard Austin say to the fake blonde "Shut the fuck up Maddie, you don't know what you're getting yourself into" I hope that bitch listens to him but ignores him

Not to sound cocky, Everybody should know not to mess with me

But the bitch continued "look at them, they're barely wearing any clothes, i mean might as well go to the strip club like that" she said gesturing to what Ava and I are wearing which is what we were wearing since morning sports bras and spandex, I felt Austin checking me out. Man whore. I rolled my eyes

From the corner of my eye I saw Ava trying to keep her cool and not kill that bitch right now, I on the other hand daring her to say something, I was about to tell her off but she continued

"Has your mother ever teach you how to dress, if I was your mother I would be disgusted" i felt my blood boiling when she said mom, everybody else looked at her with wide eyes knowing this bitch won't make it out alive

I felt my eyes turn black. Times like these are the times that I can't control my temper and nobody I mean nobody can stop me what I'm about to do

Before anybody can react I grabbed the bitch from her hair and off of Austin's lap and dragged that bitch out of the meeting room and out the house, while she was yelling and kicking

I was on the last three steps when I threw that bitch on the floor and started punching her and kicking her

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO COME TO MY HOUSE AND DISRESPECT ME, MY FRIEND AND MY MOTHER!" I yelled in her face, kicking her in the face, I saw blood everywhere but that didn't stop me from kicking and punching, I'm surprised she's not even dead by now

She was still crying

"Not so tough now are you?" I said sternly, i pulled my gun out that I had in my sports bra "Any last words?" I said point the gun on her head "too bad you don't get any" before I can pull the trigger, I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and someone taking the gun out of my hand

"Nicole breathe" Jake said giving my gun to Ava, I pushed whoever was holding me away which was Austin, I gave him a death glare, pretty sure my eyes are still pitched black cause he looked kinda scared, good.

I was about to go back inside but before I did I kicked the bitch once more in the face making her go unconscious
"Are you done?" Austin snapped which may I remind you the I'm not in the great condition right now "YOU WANNA BE NEXT!?" I yelled at his face about to punch him in the face but Jake stopped me "Nicole go blow off some steam on something else" he said, "and please take your medication" he whispered so only I can hear, the whole gang was outside, I walked up to Jason and grabbed his hand and dragged him to my room, he's the only one that can help me blow off some steam

We walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the doors to open, I pressed the floor my room is on and pushed Jason to the wall and crashed my lips to his and enjoyed the heated make out session we were in "That. Was. So. Fucking. Hot" Jason said kissing me after saying each word, "jump" Jason said as I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist as his hands were on my ass squeezing it lighting making me moan

We arrived on my floor and made our way to my room, he pushed me against my bedroom door locking it as I pushed him to the bed

"I'm in control" I smirked as he looked at me with amusement


SURPRISE! Happy Valentines Day to all the Single ladies out there that are probably in bed, watching netflix and eating their feelings away lol

Didn't see that coming did you? Austin warned Maddie! I promised it was gonna get better and there will be a lot of drama

Im on my way to Las Vegas or was, I got bored and got some ideas to write for this chapter

I'll update some day next week

If you guys have some questions comment and I'll respond to them

Also, the next chapter will contain a lot of inappropriate scenes ;))

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