Chapter 57

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Once I got home, I went inside and went up to my room and changed into sweats and a halter to and gray joggers. I threw a black sweater over to cover my bruises, I winched when I stretched my left arm up "Nicole" I heard Scott outside my door "yea" I said opening the door and walking out

 I threw a black sweater over to cover my bruises, I winched when I stretched my left arm up "Nicole" I heard Scott outside my door "yea" I said opening the door and walking out

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"You're home. Where's Ava and the guys?" He asked confused "They had to stay after school" I said walking towards the elevator, I gasped when Scott put his hand on my left shoulder, he quickly let go of my shoulder and looked at me with worry "Nicole, take off your sweater" He demanded

"Jeff is waiting. I really have to go" I said rushing down the stairs with him right behind "Nicole!"He yelled

When we got to the first floor, Jake and Jason walked in through the front door "Nicole!" Scott said turning me around by my right arm "Take off your sweater" he said sternly

"What's going on?" Jacob said confused "Let's go to the hospital room" I said walking down the stairs with Jake, Scott and Jason "Where you guys going?" I heard Colton asked coming up the stairs

"Is Jeff here?" I asked him "yea" he said, I nodded and made my way to the hospital room

"Nikki, what's going on?" Jason asked as we entered the hospital room where Jeff is patiently waiting "hey guys, so what's wrong Nicole?" He asked

I slowly took off my sweater but made sure to cover my wrists. I heard them gasp "What the fuck!?" They all said "I was attacked Tuesday by one of Kyles men at school" I said looking down "That's why I have bruises on my shoulder and neck" I said looking up, they all looked mad

"And today we had tryouts, I showed the routine and after 5 minutes I got a really bad pain on my left shoulder, I went to the locker room to check and I saw it swollen and darker. Thats why Jeff is here" I said

"Why didn't you tell us?" Colton asked, I looked down and sighed "Jake knows" I said making them look at him "I came to him at 2 in the morning after Austin came and broke up with me" I said

"He thinks I cheated on him but really I didn't" I said playing with my fingers "Please don't mention this to Austin or the other guys" I said

"Why don't you want Austin to find out?" Jason asked sternly, I shrugged my shoulders "he doesn't trust me and I'm not gonna be in a relationship if there's no trust, what's the whole point" I said

They nodded and sighed "okay, let's check your shoulder" Jeff said

I sat on the little bed, the guys leaned against the wall "I'm gonna put a little on your shoulder and tell me where it hurts" I nodded

He put pressure between the collarbone and shoulder making me yelp "that fucking hurts" I said

He took out an x ray thing and scanned my shoulder.

"You have factured your shoulder And you'll have to wear a arm sling for a month so it can heal" Jeff said

"What!? I have a dance show in a month!" I yelled making them all jump "Nikki, you'll be good by then, just put on some ice and keep the arm sling on the whole time" Jeff said taking an arm sling out of a cabinet "Fine" I sighed "and heres a cream for the bruises to heal quicker" he said handing me the cream "Put it on everyday before you go to sleep and when you wake up" I nodded putting my sweater back on

He put the arm sling on "Okay, I guess we are done here. I'll come back in two weeks to check on your shoulder" he said "Thank you" I said getting off the bad and hugging him

We all left and went upstairs "I'll see you guys later" Jeff said bro hugging the guys and hugging me "Bye" we all said before he left out the door

I turned to the guys and gave them the puppy eyes "Can one of you please make me food" I said pouting

"No" They all said leaving "Fucking assholes!" I yelled making them laugh

I made my way towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed buffalo wing and heat them up in the microwave, I grabbed the ranch and a Dr.Pepper before closing the fridge and made my way to the microwave once it beeped "Are you gonna share with me?" I looked back and saw Jason looking at me, pouting

"Go fuck yourself" I said sitting down on the kitchen bar, putting one leg under my other leg

He laughed and sat next to me, he grabbed a wing and ate it, I glared at him and ate one "What time did you come home last night?" He asked "1, I think" I said shrugging

"Guess who I saw when I got here?" I asked chuckling "Austin" he said "Yea, why? I don't know" I said "He's the one who broke up with me, I'm just want to get back to what I used to do before I got in that relationship" I said drinking out of my cup

"You like him" He said making me look at him "who?" I asked already knowing who he was talking about but I acted clueless "Austin" he smirked making me raise an eyebrow "Eh, he's not good in bed" I lied making him laugh

"Oh really?" He challenged, smirking "Leave me alone and let me eat" I mumbled annoyed, he laughed "How are you gonna go to school?" He asked "with a car" I said smartly, rolling my eyes

He pinched my ass, I jumped and punched him in the arm "Stop being a smartass" he said "I'm still capable of driving" I said rolling my eyes " why don't you get a ride with Austin" he said smirking "Why don't you go get clorox and drink it" I asked with a sarcastic smile

"Fiesty, I love it" he said purring, I burst out laughing "don't do that ever again" I said laughing "You're mean" he pouted and continued eating

"But really" He said serious "Do you like Austin?" He asked "I do but there's things he said that really hurt me and I just don't want to be anywhere near him without having to hear the voices in my head telling me how I'm a worthless whore" I said eating

"What else did he say?" He said getting angry "its irrelevant just like him" I said shrugging "Nic-" he stopped talking when he saw Austin walking in with the slut that slapped me "I lost my appetite" I said pushing the plate towards Jason, he was giving Austin a death glare

Austin and his slut were glaring back "let's go up to my room" I said getting up and pulling Jason's arm but he stayed still glaring at Austin "Jason let it go" I whispered in his ear, sternly "he's not worth it" I said loud enough for Austin to hear, he turned my direction and glared at me

"Listen to your whore" Austin said smirking at Jason

By the change of Jason eye color to black, I knew he was angry "I'll stay quiet if I were you or do you want a repeat of yesterday but this time there's gonna be blood" I threatened glaring at him

"You're a psychotic bitch" The slut said "mirar idiota te voy a romper tu puta nariz de nuevo si no cierras la boca" I threatened in Spanish ( look dumbass i'm gonna break your fucking nose again if you dont shut the fuck up )

"I don't understand what you saying you dumb bitch" she said confused "I'm gonna break your fucking nose again if you don't shut the fuck up" I said it looking her deadly in the eyes "bitch please, if anything I'll break yours" she said stupidly "speaks the one that has a broken nose dumbass" Jason said laughing "blonde really suits you" he said making her gasp

"Leave her alone" Austin spat defending the bitch "or what?" I asked laughing "you're just a scared little bitch that won't do anything" I said laughing like a maniac with Jason

"You're just a useless whore" he said making me stop laughing, I grabbed the gun from Jason's waist and took off the safety, I pointed the gun at him and pushed the trigger.

After that I heard a scream.



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