Chapter 12

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Austins POV

"Someone call Jeff" I yelled, Nicole really fucked her up. Good thing Maddie is conscious because if she fell asleep I don't know if she ever wake up, if she would've kept her mouth shut, this wouldn't happen

But, Damn Nikki did look sexy when she was angry and out of control. I wonder how is she in bed

"This is all your fault Mahone! If you wouldn't have brought that bitch to my house, this wouldn't of happen! You're lucky I got to Nikki because that would've been your job to get rid of the body" Jake told me, I just rolled my eyes

"Maybe if you kept your sister on a leash this would've never happen!" I threw my hands in the air

"You don't tell me what to do! I am your boss, next time you bring one of your whores to fuck get rid of them when you're done " Jake said walking inside the house

I sighed as I looked at Maddie, she was in pain and I kinda do feel bad for her but it's her fought she brought this to her so it isn't my problem. When Jeff came he started to laugh while I glared at him "Damn! Nikki fuck her up" he said still laughing "shut up and help me take her to the hospital room" I said picking her up, walked inside the house and down the stairs to the hospital room we have in the house just incase one of us get her

"I'll handle it from here" Jeff said as I laid her down on the bed "okay, and when you're done take her to my room" I said walking out the room and going up the stairs to the living room

All the guys were gathered in the living room watching tv. I sat down next to Alex "Is she okay?" Alex asked staring at the tv "yeah, she'll be okay" I said as Jake walked in "okay, guys go get ready and get everything set up" he said walking out of the room and up the stairs

"Where's Jason?" I asked no one in particular "he's with Nikki cooling her off" Scott smirked at me, i just rolled me eyes and shook my head

"Are you jealous that he gets to fuck her and you don't?" Colton laughed I just glared at him "I'm not jealous, that bitch is nothing but a whore" I scoffed "speaks the one that brings and fucks different whores everyday" Scott laughed

"Whatever" I mumbled walking to the elevator to go to my room that's in the fourth floor to get ready

1 Hour Later

After a shower, I changed into black jeans, with a black leather shirt, a black beanie and to finish it off a pair of black and gold supras

After I was done I headed down to the living room where everyone was getting everything ready "After you guys are done, load the cars while I get the girls" Jake said as he ran up the stairs taking two steps at a time

I see Jason coming out of the elevator in a white shirt, blue jeans and black and white supras "the girls haven't come down yet?" He asked me while he loaded his gun "Jake went to go get them" I said while putting my gun on the waistband of my jeans

"They'll be down in 'five minutes'" Jake said putting two fingers up, while coming down the stairs "they take forever to get ready" Shane and Stiles whined in unison, I've got to know the guys from Nicole's gang, they're all pretty chill, we all became good friends in less than a week

Five minutes passed and they're not here yet "if they don't hurry up, I'm gonna g-" Shane was cut of by Jake "Hurry up, you guys forever to get ready" he said through the intercom that is set up all round the house "hold your horse, we're here" Nikki said back, everybody was talking or still loading extra guns etc. just in case we run out

"FINALLY" Jake threw his hands in the air as he left the living room, making all of our heads turn to the girls. All of us guys just kept looking at them, may I say they look sexy but Nikki stand out the most, her long straight hair that lands perfectly to her waist, and just everything of her is perfect. Did I just call her perfect?

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