Chapter 28

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"So what's up" I said to Josh

He looked at me and Jake "I've seen Kyle and his gang at Race Wars a lot recently"

Race Wars is in a abandoned building in the bad side of the city, a place where a lot people, mostly gangs go to; to race for money, drugs, etc. Or just race for fun and Jake is the one who owns it.

Races only happen in the night time little passing 12 is when everybody starts to get there, where there is no people around or cars, especially cops.

I used to go and race all the time with the gang before I was sent to California.

"Kyle has been stealing all of your money by saying that you put him in charge while you take care of some business" Josh said making me and Jake jump out of our seats and to our feet

"WHAT!" We yelled, I looked at Jake and his whole face is the shade of a tomato, he's really angry

"He's heading over there right now" I looked at Jake "I don't care what you say, I'm going" I said to Jake before walking to the elevator with Ava

"We're all going" Jake said before the doors closed, going up to pure floor "I really don't feel like changing" Ava said before walking out of the elevator and into her room

I chuckled, entering my room to grab my gun and car keys to my baby; that I haven't used in a long time. I quickly changed into something more suitable for the race, I curled my hair in loose curls and quickly redid my make up by putting foundation, concealer, contour, smoking eyeshadow, wing eyeliner, filled in my eyebrows and added a pink nude lipstick

I grabbed my Michael Kors Black Purse before heading out the door, walking down the hall I saw Ava come out of her room changed into a different outfit and her make up and hair done

Nicole's outfit

Nicole's outfit

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Ava's outfit

"Let's go" I said as we walked side by side to the elevator "where were you earlier?" She asked as the elevator doors opened "I went to go meet up with Andrew" I said looking at her "I went to go talk about Isaac death and we will talk about this ...

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"Let's go" I said as we walked side by side to the elevator "where were you earlier?" She asked as the elevator doors opened "I went to go meet up with Andrew" I said looking at her "I went to go talk about Isaac death and we will talk about this later" I said as the elevator opened on the third floor to see Austin and Alex standing there looking at us with their mouth wide open "are you gonna stand there or get in?" I asked them snapping them out

When they got in, they were having their own conversation across from us while Ava and I stood there quietly looking at each other "he's so hot" Ava whispered in my ear making me giggle getting the guys attention

"What's so funny?" Austin asked making me roll my eyes "nothing you should worry about" I said glaring at Austin

"He's so annoying" I said to Ava before walking out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened

"I heard that" I heard Austin from behind "Don't care" I said making Ava let out a small giggle "you'll be a cute together" she whispered making me look at her like if she was insane "never in your wildest dreams" (sorry had to.... If you know where that sentence comes from, comment)

"That's what they all say" Ava said making me glare at her

"Let's go" I heard Jake yell from the garage door; the garage was personally built up by a friend of Jakes and could fit more than 100 cars,we quickly went and met up with the rest of the gang "are we all going in separate cars?" Ava asked taking out her keys "If you guys want" Jake said getting inside of his Audi R8 with Scott "wait, where's Josh and Taylor?" I asked looking around the garage trying to find them "their car is parked outside" I look at questionably, it's really odd that he's trusting someone he doesn't know so quickly "are you really trusting them? They look really suspicious" I know I said I trusted Josh but something about him gave me a bad vibe and Taylor, I just don't trust her.

"To be completely honest, I don't but we will find out soon" he said, I nodded before going to the hidden garage that held my precious cars, between my hidden garage and the garage is a wall and to get through the wall you'll have to put a passcode and it has to be my hand prints and Jakes

"You know you're about to run into a wall and all the cars are behind you" Austin said making me roll my eyes once again, I've been doing that a lot lately

"You know, you should shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business cause clearly you haven't been here long enough to know what's behind the wall" I said opening a hidden drawer, putting the passcode and hand print and the solar system welcomed me with 'welcome back Nicole'

"What the fuck is that?" I heard Robert from behind "you'll see" I said as the wall slowly started to open, lights started to turn on one by one showing all 10 cars I own, I looked behind me to see Austin, Alex, Robert and Zach with their mouth wide open making the rest of the gang chuckled, I opened the door to my matte black Lamborghini aventador, instead of the door opening out like most cars do, it opened up

I got in and turned on the engine before closing the door, I drove out of the garage and closed the wall from the solar system that was set up in the car; all my cars have it so instead of getting out of the car to lock up, I can just lock it up by pressing a button and putting the passcode to lock it

I stopped in front of Ava, with her getting in with me. The rest of the gang either paired up with someone or drove on their own "does everyone have a walkie talkie?" Jake asked "yes" was all I heard come from the gang "okay let's go" he said as he opened the garage door before we all drove out of the garage before locking it, we sped off on to the main road heading to the city

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