Chapter 78

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"And here comes the last couple who are running up for Prom King and Queen, Nicole Ramirez and Austin Mahone" The leader of the committee said, we both smiled and walked down the stairs

Ava signed us up for Prom King and Queen because she thinks that we are the hottest couple of the school, besides her and Alex

"They're staring at our direction" Ava said whispering in my ear, I slowly looked up to not make it obvious, Bella and Noah were both smirking and looking at our direction, Austin was sitting next to me

I gave them a nasty ass look before I started a conversation with the group

I gave them a nasty ass look before I started a conversation with the group

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After we ate the food they gave out and dance a bit, we sat back down "That fucking bitch" Ava spat walking towards us angrily, Alex was behind her with an annoyed expression on her face "What happened?" I asked standing up

"Fucking Bella purposely spilled her soda on me" She spat looking down at her white dress, there was a big wet spot on her dress, thank god it was Sprite

"Let's go to the bathroom" I said grabbing her hand, out of no where there was yelling coming from the bar "YOU FUCKING WHORE!" We heard Lauren yell "Shit" Ava and I said before we quickly sped walk towards the bar with Austin and Alex right behind us

Tiana and Val were pulled back by Zach and Shane, Lauren was about to jump on Bella but Ava and I quickly grabbed her "Oh lookie here, The hoe squad is here" Bella said smirking

I rolled my eyes "Check yourself, you're messing with the wrong bitch" I spat, glaring at her "Let's go" I said to the girls

We all walked towards the bathroom "Stupid bitch" Tiana said once we got inside the bathroom "Let's just ignore her till later" I sighed sitting down in the couch they have inside the bathroom


"And now the time you all been waiting for!" The leader of the committee said, everybody was on the dance floor waiting "This years Prom King is" there was a drum roll "Austin Mahone!" Everybody cheered including me "That's my baby!" I yelled watching them put a crown on his head "And this year Prom Queen is" they played a drum roll "Nicole Ramirez!" He yelled

The girls cheered and hugged me along with the guys, I made my way towards the stage and climbed up the steps, they place a banner on me with 'Prom Queen' on it and a crown

"Thank you to everyone that voted" I said through the microphone "And now the prom king and queen will dance their dance"

Austin smiled and grabbed my hand, we both walked down to the middle of the dance floor 'Can I Have This Dance?' By HSM was playing

We both chuckled, we always watch the movie and sing along to the song.

"I love you" I said softy "I love you my queen" he said kissing my forehead

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