Chapter 23

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This bitch is crazy and sexy at the same time! She just threw a knife at me and that knife almost stabbed my face "as you were saying" she looked at me with a stupid smirk on her face, how much I wan-

"Anyways, are you gonna get me food or what!?" She said with attitude, I moved away from the knife and grabbed it "your really don't want to get me angry" I said calmly, playing with the knife "I think is the opposite way around, I mean I did put your slutty girlfriend in a coma" she shrugged like it wasn't a big deal "you're a real bitch" I spat, making her smirk "tell me something I don't know" she slipped her hair "anyways, can you please get me some food? I have to take my medication" she sighed

"Whatever" I turned around and headed down to the kitchen, where everyone was seated "How is she?" Jake asked as he took a bite out of his bacon "jolly as ever" I sarcastically said as everyone laughed "just give her, her medication and she won't give a hard time, she has a habit of forgetting to take her medication" Jake said

"What type of medication?" I asked him "that prevents her from killing you" Jason said "easier way to say is, she has anger issues" Stiles said making Jake give him a nasty glare "what? someone had to tell him" Stiles put his hands up in surrender

That makes two of us.....

I grabbed her plate and orange juice and went back upstairs


"Finally" I said as Austin came into my room, making him roll his eyes. I took the food from his hand and started eating "Jake said to take your medication after your done" Austin told me "I know that" I spat "well Jake said you have a habit of forgetting" Austin shrugged "he's so dramatic sometimes, it was one time" I rolled my eyes as I finished my food "can you get the medication from the bathroom, it's the second drawer on the left" more like I ordered him to do it, he walked into the bathroom and came back out with the bottle "Anger disorder pills" Austin read out loud making me look at him "why do you take these?" He asked, I grabbed them from his hand "prevents me from killing you" I said as I put two pills into my mouth and was drinking it down with orange juice "that's what Jason said" He chuckled "when and why did you start taking them?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows "listen nice and clear" I said calmly, he sat on my bed and faced me "we" I pointed at both of us "are not friends and I don't trust you so don't ask anything about my past and I won't ask about yours, got it?" I said calmly

"Alright" he nodded before getting up and walk towards the door "where are you going?" I asked him making him stop "I'm going to my room" he said "you do know, you have to be with me in all times if you want to gain Jakes trust?" I said raising my eyebrow "and just because we are not friends, doesn't mean you have to leave my room" I said turning on my tv and laptop "sit down and get comfortable because we're having a movie day" I said, if i didn't take the pills, my room would probably be covered in blood

He sat down next to me as I set up my laptop to my Tv "what do you want to watch?" I asked as I went on Netflix "Doesn't really matter" he said taking off his shoes, to be honest, this is so weird "American Horror Story it is" I said as I clicked play and got the remote to turn off the lights making my room dark and turn on the AC, I got under the covers and snuggled with my blankets as Austin stayed seated with his back on the head board with his legs stretched out on the bed "if you get cold, you can use the blanket" I said looking at him "why are you not yelling at me?" He asked "I just took my pills and I really don't feel like yelling at you so shut up, it starting" I said


We watched two season of American Horror Story when Nikki fell asleep with her head on my chest

This feels weird, having her this close to me without wanting to stab me with a knife, but then it's a good weird having her this close, I shook my head and looked down at her

I wonder what made her the way she is. She looked so peaceful and innocent sleeping.

She even looks beautiful....


I was bored and decided to update

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QOTD: How old are you? And what grade are you in?

I'm 17 and I'm a senior........


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