Chapter 62

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It's been a couple weeks since the party and since Austin and I got back together.

Austin and I are doing good, we are hitting a month in a week. Homecoming was coming up and I'm wondering if Austin is gonna ask me.

I put on the outfit I was wearing today

Ava slept in my room last night because we were studying for our math class and fell asleep while studying

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Ava slept in my room last night because we were studying for our math class and fell asleep while studying.

"Let's go before we're late and get detention" I said rushing out the door with her

We kinda of slept in because I forgot to turn on my alarm last night.

Austin and the guys have left already, they had to go to a early football practice because the gardeners were fixing the field for the homecoming game after school.

"Goodmorning! Can't really talk, see you guys later" I yelled, rushing in the kitchen with Ava and grabbing Bacon and waffles in a plastic plate

The rest of the gang were up and eating for some reason, they laughed "See you later!" They yelled before we ran to the car and got in

Great News! Taylor and Josh left! I don't know why but they left! I'm still trying to figure out who they really are and their old gang

I quickly drove to school, eating the food.

Once we got to school, Ava and I shoved gums in our mouths, sanitized our greasy hand and sprayed body spray all over our bodies, not wanting to smell like food.

We grabbed our bags and ran towards the building, we only had a minute until the school bell rings.

We ran to our lockers and opened them before shoving our bags in and taking out our English book, a notebook and pen.

"Let's go!" I said slamming my locker shut, the halls were completely empty.

A week ago the principal set a new rule; if students are not in class by the time the bell rings, the teacher must give them detention. No excuses.

Stupid? Yea, I know.

Ava and I burst through the door just as the bell rang "Right on time ladies" Mr. Wells said with an amused look on his face "Now take a seat" Ava and I walked towards the back of the room where our friends are all sitting along with Austin

"Hi baby" I said pecking his lips before sitting on the empty seat next to him

Val and Lauren were sitting on my right side, I greeted them out of breath, they chuckled "Did you study?" Val asked, I nodded trying to catch my breath "Why you think Ava and I came in late? We fell asleep while we were studying and I forgot to turn on my alarm" I said, they chuckled and focused to Mr. Wells

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