Chapter 49

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The school was finally over, Ava and I are currently catching up with the girls, we were hanging in the schools parking lot by my car "So you and Austin" Valerie smirked, I blushed looking away "Your blushing!" Lauren yelled making me cover my face "stop" I said

They giggled "I really like him" I said looking at them, smiling "he makes me forget all the heartbreak and pain I've been through for the past year and a half" I said, they all gave me a small smile

Its true, he makes me feel me again. There's something about him that just catches my attention and make me like him more everyday.

"We understand" Val and Lauren said making me smile "Even though he was considered as the fuckboy last year, we know you'll keep him in his place" we chuckled

"Okay, okay, enough of you guys" Valerie said "Are you guys gonna get back into dance?" Lauren asked

Before Ava and I left, we were in the schools dance team since freshman year but ever since we were little the girls and I were in a dance team our parents singed us up for and that's where we first met.

"I don't know" I said hesitantly "Come on, we miss you guys! The team isn't the same without you guys" Lydia said, I looked at Ava who was nodding

"Okay" I said making them squeal "DANCE SQUAD IS BACK!" Lauren yelled causing everyone in the school parking lot to look at us "Jojo is in here office, Let's go" Val said grabbing my hand and we ran towards her office

Jojo is the dance team coach. We ran down the hall and to Jojo's office that's in the gym, we entered the gym and saw all the football players there and I saw Austin and the guys sitting with the football team, Ava and I looked at each other confused "JOJO!" Luaren yelled, her voices echoing the gym and all the football players heads turn our direction "GUESS WHO'S BACK!?" Val yelled

"What are you guys doing here?" Andrew asked confused "Where's Jojo?" Lauren asked "Shes in her office getting ready for a staff meeting" Andrew said "Okay Thanks" Val said dragging me and Ava to the office

I saw Jojo getting ready for the staff meeting "Jojo" Val called causing Jojo to look up "Oh my god" Jojo said looking at me and Ava "You're back" She said bringing me and Ava into a hug "and we really like if we can come back on the team" I said nervously, hope she'll say yes

"Of Course! Is that even a question!" She brought us into another hug "I need to go to the meeting but I want you guys do a old routine in the gym, the dance room is currently getting new floors" she said about to leave the office

"How are we gonna practice if the football team are out there?" Lauren asked "Give them a show" Jojo smirked before leaving the office and yelling at the football players "DONT DISTRACT MY DANCERS"

We all went to the locker room "we have the clothes you guys left and along your dance bags" Val said opening her her and taking out my bag and Lauren took out Ava's bag "Thank you" I said opening my old locker and changed into my dance outfit

We all went to the locker room "we have the clothes you guys left and along your dance bags" Val said opening her her and taking out my bag and Lauren took out Ava's bag "Thank you" I said opening my old locker and changed into my dance outfit

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