Chapter 2

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Jacobs POV

"MEETING IN FIVE" I yelled out to the gang. Today my little sister Nicole will arrive with her team from California and we'll get into business to destroy The Kings. We want revenge on The Kings because they made a deal to kill my parents while me and Nicole were at the park, but we mostly want revenge on the leader of The Kings Kyle, we used to be friends, but he made a deal with a leader from another gang "The Mafia" to kill my parents, when Nicole and I returned from the Park we found my parents dead body's in the living room, 2 days later I found out that it was Kyle and The Kings, I found out that they got paid 10 grand just to kill my parents.

I saw my gang gather around the long rectangular table and sat down waiting for me to speak.

"As you all know, my sister will be arriving soon with her gang, they have come all the way from California to help get revenge on The Kings, and I want you guys to show some hospitality, also I suggest you and by you I mean Mahone don't try anything on Nicole. Okay?" I said looking at Austin "Why is it always me?" "Unless you want to keep your dick, I suggest don't try anything" "Same old Nicole, she hasn't changed has she?" My best friend Scott said "Yea same Alex, she shot my aunt on the leg for talking shit to her about my mom" I said, Scott and my other best friend Colton laughed "Now you guys know not to mess with Nicole, she won't hesitate to put a bullet to your head" Colton said

My phone started ringing, I checked the caller ID and it was Nicole, I put it on speaker "Hey, are you guys almost here?" "TRY SOMETHING OR ILL KILL YOU!!!" Nichole screamed through the phone, everybody's eyes were on me "NIKKI WHATS GOING ON!? ARE YOU OKAY!?" I yelled through the phone.

Nicoles POV
"How much longer!?" Ava complained for the thousand time "OMG SHUT THE FUCK UP OR ILL LEAVE YOU HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE" I yelled "you wouldn't cause you love me" she said smirking "Shut up or I'll tell Jake you had a wet dream about him" I said smirking, I looked at her and she looked pale "you wouldn't" "try me" I said

"Nicole we are being followed" Stiles said through the walkie talkie that I handed out just before we left California just in case if we are in a situation like this, "Black Charger with Grey stripes" he continued, "okay, let's speed up a bit and Shane you slow down and move to a different lane and get behind him" we all went over the speed limit and went different directions, the black and grey charger sped up to "Shane you know what to do" I said through the walkie talkie "got it" Shane is behind the Black and Grey Charger, he will speed right next to the charger and bump cars until the car gets off the highway and crashed to a pole, I walked up to the charger and saw it was a member of The Kings "Aww poor poor Anthony you should know better to not to get involve with us" I said looking at Kyles cousin "Fuck You Nicole!" I kicked him in the gut "piece of shit" I said to him, I pulled out my phone and dialed Jacobs Number, in the corner of me eye I saw Anthony pull out a gun "TRY SOMETHING OR YOU DIE" I yelled, "NIKKI WHATS GOING ON!? ARE YOU OKAY!?" I didn't notice Jake picked up "Hey big bro, you know being followed by a King nothing new" I said sarcastically "WHAT!? I'm on my way" "No, It's f- " I was cut myself, Anthony aiming the gun at me, I quickly shot him in the leg "YOU FUCKING DUMBASS I TOLD YOU DONT TRY ANYTHING AND THERE YOU GO!! GOD GUYS ARE FUCKING STUPID NOW IN DAYS!!" I yelled, as Anthony yelled out in pain "HEY!" I heard several voices from the phone "What! Wait! Do you have me on speaker!?" "Uh" "I'll be home in 5 minutes" I hung up "Tell Kyle I said hi for me" I kissed Anthony's cheek as he whipped it in disgust "Go. To. Hell" he said "I'll meet you there" I winked and walked to my car, leaving Anthony with a hole in his leg.


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