Chapter 50

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Michael turned off the lights to the gym, scaring everyone. Lauren, Melissa and I quickly ran to the middle of the court and got in position with me in the front and both of them in the back in each side of me and posed "someone go turn on the lights" I heard someone yell

Melissa gave the signal, which is a little light you use for LED gloves. The lights turned on and music started, once everyone saw us they started cheering. I looked at Andrew and smirked before starting the routine.

After we were finished Michael turned off the lights and the girls ran of and Jeremiah came and stood very close behind me and posed, the lights turned on and music started, we did the routine perfectly.

The lights went out again, Jeremiah went back to the sound box and the girls came in and got in position, Melissa gave the signal and the lights turned on making everyone yell really loud, the music started and we started doing it a little seductive "Let's go" I heard someone from the crowd yell "Yes!" I heard another one yell

While doing the whole routine, everyone was cheering. After we were done, I send Austin a quick wink before we left to the sound box "you guys were wow" Jeremiah said "I think I turned straight for a minute" he said making me and the girls burst out laughing "we are going to the diner to get food, meet us there" I said, he nodded

We all went to the locker room and quickly changed before leaving out the hallway instead of going out through the gym

Ava and I got in my car and the girls got in theirs before we quickly drove towards the diner we would mostly go to after school

Once we made it to the Diner, Jeremiah was there already sitting in a booth in the back "I'm so hungry" I said sliding in next Ava "I already ordered you're guys food with your milkshake" he said "Thank god, I don't like ordering my food" Melissa said making us laugh

My phone starting ringing causing everyone to quiet down 'Austin' the caller id read "I'll be back" I said sliding out the booth and going out the diner to talk on the phone

Nicole: Hi baby!

Austin: Where are you?

Nicole: I'm at the diner with the girls and Jeremiah

Austin: I'll be there in a bit

Nicole: okay

I hung up before walking back inside to see our food on the table already "who was it?" Tania asked munching on a fry "Most likely Austin, if she's smiling that hard" Val said making me blush, I didn't even notice I had a smile on my face "Austin? As in Austin Mahone?" Melissa asked shocked "yea" I said "Damn girl, he's hot even though he fucked most of the girls in school" Jeremiah said "His friend is so hot" Tiana said dramatically fanning her hands to her face "who?" I asked "Zach, the things I'll do to him" Tiana said licking her lips "you need to get laid" I said causing us all to laugh except her "that's so mean" she pouted "but very true" she said making us laugh harder

"Shit, all the guys at school are my daddies especially Austin" Jeremiah said winking at me "Please, you're too gay to function" I said taking a sip from my Strawberry Milkshake "Austin is mine so stay away you fag" I said throwing a fry at him (no hate, I love and support the gay community) "bitch, if I wanted to I would have made him my bitch by now" he said sassily "why haven't you made your move?" I said smirking "he's too straight to be gay" he said making me and the girl to burst out laughing

"What's so funny?" I looked up and saw Andrew, Alex, Zach and Robert standing there but no Austin "Nothing" we all said at the same time

I looked at Tiana and smirked at her before winking at her "you guys want to sit with us?" I asked still looking at Tiana "sure" they said Zach slid in next to Tiana causing her to blush

I slid out and let Alex sit next to Ava "where's Austin?" I asked him "uh" he scratched his head before looking back at the entrance

I followed his gaze and saw Austin with some blonde bitch outside the diner, the bitch was all up on him and he just looked annoyed. I slid out and made way towards them, the girls calling my name but I ignored them

I stepped out of the diner just when that bitch was about to kiss Austin, I harshly pushed making her stumble but didn't fall "What the fuck is your problem you bitch!?" She yelled glaring at me, I glared at her, grabbing Austin by the neck and smashing my lips on his, he immediately kissed back

We made out for a minute before I pulled away and looked at her "just making sure to show you what's mine" I said glaring at her, Austin wrapped his arms around me "And if I see you anywhere near him again, you better pray for your fucking life" I...

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We made out for a minute before I pulled away and looked at her "just making sure to show you what's mine" I said glaring at her, Austin wrapped his arms around me "And if I see you anywhere near him again, you better pray for your fucking life" I threaten looking her dead in the eye, she gasped before running away

"You're hot when you're jealous?" Austin said, I glared at him "I'm not jealous" I shruggled "I'm just making sure your hoes know that you're mine" I said turning around ready to walk back inside but he turned me around "whose that guy you were grinding on?" He asked glaring at me

"Jealousy does not look good on you" I said causing him to harshly pinch my ass making me jump "ow you asshole" I said slapping his chest "that fucking hurts" I said rubbing my ass

"Who is that guy?" He asked seriously "baby" I pouted making him give me a death glare "Chill, I'm not his type" I said crossing my arms "what do you mean? You're everyone's type from what I heard" he said rolling his eyes "Shit" I said flipping my hair

"Who is that guy?" He asked seriously "baby" I pouted making him give me a death glare "Chill, I'm not his type" I said crossing my arms "what do you mean? You're everyone's type from what I heard" he said rolling his eyes "Shit" I said flipping m...

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"Nicole" he yelled annoyed "okay geez, he'll suck your dick if can" I said "What?" He asked confused "Austin, he's gay" I said causing his eyes to widen "now I need to go before my food gets cold" I said walking inside



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