Chapter 13

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Nicoles POV

When we got inside the security guard lead us to the dressing room where all the strippers get ready "okay guys, we're connected to the security cameras so we can see everything that's going on, Richard and his gang are on the other side of the stage and bar" Jake said through the earpiece we all have "Nikki and Ava remember to get his attention bring him to the back door where you got in from" I nodded

"Can we get food after this? I'm starving" I said, not caring on what he just said

"Shut up and do your job" Jake spat back

"Fucking Asshole" I mumbled "I heard that" he said "you were meant to" I replied

"Okay get into places, Nikki and Ava get ready cause you're next" he said as I and Ava started walking to the stage.

"If he asked for your names say that you're name is Candy and Kitty" Jake said, Ava looked at me "I choose Candy" she said quickly "I'm not gonna fight you with that one cause that's a slutty name and it fits you perfectly" I said smirking, Ava showed her beautiful finger "you know I love you" I said sweetly

"Let's just get this over with" Ava laughed, making our way to the Dj to request a song, we have to be very sexual to get the dudes attention

Earned It by The Weekend was playing through the speakers, that was our cue. Ava has gone to the other side of the stage and nodded saying she's ready. We walked on the stage in a very slow seductive way, from the corner of my eye I saw Jason and Austin sitting by the bar with a beer in their hands watching us do our thing, Ava was now in front of me, I smirk "show time" I whispered, she smirked

We still had our robes on, we both untie each other's robe in a very seductive way, I turn to face the men who were cheering and yelling to take off our clothes, once our robes were off we started dancing very seductive, swaying our hips "he's on you're right Nikki" Jake said I looked to my right and saw a group of guys sitting in a booth, in the middle was Ricardo with two strippers on each side making him in the middle, one was kissing his neck and the other one was to busy giggling at something he said, "get rid of those two" Jake said

"Go with plan B" I looked at Ava, she nodded

We both looked at the guys by the bar and winked at them, both looking confused and lost at what was about to happen "what's pla-" Jason was cut off when he saw me grab Ava by the waisted and smashed my lips on hers, grabbing her ass and squeezing it, this isn't the first time I made out with Ava, we have our drunk make out sessions

we were in a heated make out session when we were interrupted by one of Ricardo's men "Why don't you young lady's come join us for a couple of drinks?" He asked, I looked at Ava and nodded

Turning around we followed the guy to the table full of guys, I looked at Jason and Austin, nodding letting them know to get ready "Guys get ready" Jake said to the guys, when we made it to the table I saw the other girls get up and leave glaring at us

"Hello ladys come take a seat next to daddy" Ricardo said, I mentally rolled my eyes, I know I'm not gonna like this guy. Making our way to sit next to him, I sat on his right as Ava sat on his left "whats your name cuties?" He asked, "I'm kitty and that's Candy" I said giggling pointing at Ava, I put my hand on his thigh and started rubbing my hand up and down, "what's your name baby?" Ava asked kissing his neck "Ricardo but I prefer you calling me daddy" he moaned "we're not gonna call you daddy" I said rubbing his crotch "yet" I said seductive kissing his jaw, I got on top of him, straddling him, smashing my lips with his.

Jake owes me big time.

Ava joined in the fun by kissing my neck, I broke the kiss and started kissing Ava, still on Ricardo I started grinding on him, Ava started rubbing his crotch as I started to unbutton his shirt

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